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Kremlin joy as Trump mocks controversial Russian toughs

Kremlin joy as Trump mocks controversial Russian toughs


The Russian media are shouting it from the rooftops. Not only did former President Donald Trump publicly meet with two of the country's toughest men, pro-Kremlin media outlets report that he pledged to help Russia end the war in Ukraine.

This claim arose from Trump's unexpected meeting with famous Russian UFC stars and Putin friends Khabib Nurmagomedov and Islam Makhachev. The controversial MMA fighters took the opportunity to discuss international diplomacy with the former and perhaps future leader of the free world.

Trump promised Nurmagomedov to end the war in Ukraine, according to reports from major Russian news agencies and television channels.

Last week, President Vladimir Putin described the kind of ridiculously one-sided settlement it would take for him to call a ceasefire, and the Kremlin hopes Trump will try to convince Ukraine to accept it if he is re-elected in November.

Russian action is now aimed at encouraging Trump to do just that. And of course, the Kremlin will do everything in its power to help him win.

The New Jersey meeting between Trump and UFC stars was called historic by Russian media and it opens yet another potential channel between Trump and Putin.

We are very proud that our heroes are going to America, meeting the future President Trump and he is promising them to end the war in Ukraine, Magomed, a former law enforcement official from Dagestan, told the Daily Beast. Putin must be very happy, he has paternal feelings for Khabib.

Nurmagomedov is the most followed Russian on Instagram. He was named Russia's No. 1 athlete in 2019 before retiring from the UFC without ever suffering a defeat (29-0) and has remained extremely popular despite regular controversies.

The fighter from Dagestan, a republic inside Russia, was suspended for nine months after starting a brawl in Las Vegas after beating Connor McGregor and then jumping out of the octagon to attack members of the US team. Irish. Nurmagomedov later said they had insulted his religion. He is a follower of Islam, said to have an ultra-conservative worldview, which has led him to denounce nightclubs and risky gambling in his country. Nurmagomedov and Makhachev, also from Dagestan, have both said women should not be allowed to compete in the UFC.

The two men, greeted at the airport by adoring fans upon their return to Dagestan, where women are not allowed to sit down for a meal with men and where parents still practice genital mutilation of young girls, use also both the Islamic gesture of the raised index finger which has been co-opted by ISIS in its propaganda material.

Makhachev and Khabib can be seen with this gesture which symbolizes belief in the oneness of God, Alexander Cherakov, a Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights advocate at the Memorial, told the Daily Beast. This is a gesture that Salafi or Wahhabi Muslims are making in the North Caucasus, which would mean nothing to Trump, of course. He only sees two tough guys, he considers himself tough and hopes they will pass on his messages to more Russian tough guys.

Fundamentalist Salafist and Wahhabi preaching is considered extremism by Russian authorities and the Kremlin has taken repressive measures over the past decade, but that has not stopped Putin from cozying up to athletes.

Shortly after Nurmagomedov's controversial victory over McGregor, Putin invited the No. 1 ranked fighter to meet him and supported his riot-inducing bad behavior. If we are attacked from the outside, we can all jump like this, he explained. The two men embraced, much like Trump did this month, posing for photos side by side with their hands clasped.

Putin personally called Khabib in 2020 after his father died, allegedly from COVID-19, at the age of 57. Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov had trained Khabib since childhood, including having him wrestle a bear cub from the age of 9 in remarkable footage that has since disappeared. viral online. His father, a Russian army veteran who raised his son in the mountainous forests of the Caucasus, later groomed Makhachev to become his son's successor.

Putin has long cultivated the habit of associating with young tough guys in order to bolster his own macho image, and Trump has clearly taken up the classic strongman trope.

Since meeting Nurmagomedov, Trump has been full of praise, describing him on Truth Social as possibly the greatest fighter of all time. I met him at the UFC event Saturday night in New Jersey. Really smart guy – Big things in the future for Khabib!

He returned to the subject last week on the Logan Pauls podcast. I thought he was great. We need to talk, he's just my favorite guy. Really talented.

Grigory Shvedov, editor-in-chief of Russia-based Caucasus Knot, says Khabib is very influential and a thought leader. He explained that the Kremlin pays great attention to people like Makhachev and Nurmagomedov so that they do not have any critical attitude towards the authorities. The KGB has always ensured close and controlling relations with all Russian athletes who reach the international level and it is certain that the FSB is now doing the same with the current generation of global sports stars. It's unclear whether that relationship would extend to asking them to deliver messages to people like Trump.

Dagestan's icons are also close to the famous warlord who rules the neighboring Russian republic and Chechnya. Ramzan Kadyrov, also known as Putin's Soldier, is the most violent and brutal leader in the North Caucasus and has been accused of countless human rights violations, anti-LGBT purges and oppression of his people.

Kadyrov loves spending time with the fighters for photos at his marble palace in Grozny and has handed out gifts including a Mercedes S-Class.

The meeting took place at UFC 302, managed by Trump's friend Dana White. At a time when Russian athletes are banned from participating in the Paris Olympics, Makhachev headlined the June 2 event.

Like Trump, White clearly does not view Putin as an enemy. He previously said Putin would be more than welcome at a UFC event in Moscow.




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