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Xi calls for advancing patriotism

Xi calls for advancing patriotism


President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, is greeted by monks at a Tibetan Buddhist temple in Xining, Qinghai province, on Tuesday. He inspected Qinghai from Tuesday to Wednesday. [Photo by Xie Huanchi / XINHUA]

President Xi Jinping expressed hope that the Tibetan Buddhist circle in Qinghai Province will carry forward the fine traditions of patriotism, help promote religious, social and ethnic harmony, and play an active role in advancing China's modernization , during an inspection tour in the province.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks during his visit to Hongjue Temple in the provincial capital of Xining on Tuesday afternoon.

He said the temple played an important role as a bridge in strengthening ties between the central government and Tibetan Buddhism over generations.

“It is essential to protect this precious historical and cultural heritage and renew efforts to foster a strong sense of community within the Chinese nation and promote ethnic unity and progress,” Xi said.

Hongjue Temple in central Xining has a history of more than 1,000 years. Konchok Gyatso, a senior monk at the temple, said it has played an important role in strengthening exchanges between the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and other regions of China and promoting peace among people of different ethnic groups.

Since the monastery was established in 941 AD, it has always been open to different cultures, Konchok Gyatso said. “The founder of the monastery was taught and approved by three masters of Tibetan Buddhism and two of Chinese Buddhism (also known as Mahayana Buddhism). And Hongjue is the temple with the longest history of integrating Tibetan Buddhism cultures and Chinese Buddhism in China.”

Through this integration, it became a well-known school among Tibetan Buddhist monks, and many accomplished monks and living Buddhas studied at the temple, he added. “More importantly, apart from their achievements in Tibetan Buddhism, they all share the same vision of promoting peace and unity among people of different ethnic groups until today.”

In addition, the temple, located at the eastern entrance to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, has always helped strengthen ties between the central government and Tibetan Buddhism, Konchok Gyatso said.

In 1779, the 6th Panchen Erdeni Lobsang Palden Yeshe was invited to Beijing by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). To make his stop at Hongjue Temple comfortable, the emperor had the temple completely renovated. And it has become a key location where the Panchen Lama, one of the two most revered living Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism, has been staying in Qinghai ever since.

Also born in Qinghai in 1938, the 10th Panchen Erdeni Chokyi Gyaltsen left Xizang Temple in 1951 to fulfill his duty after completing a series of studies in Tibetan Buddhism.

“He later became a living Buddha with deep Buddhist knowledge and complete love for the country and its religion. He worked hard for the unification and ethnic unity of the country, which inspired us all “, said Konchok Gyatso.

In order to protect the rich cultural heritage of Hongjue Temple, a renovation and restoration project was launched in 2004. After the project was completed in 2014, a new large prayer hall was built in the temple.

“When people come to visit the monastery, besides the culture of Tibetan Buddhism, we want them to see its long tradition of strengthening understanding between people of different ethnic groups, such as Tibetans, Mongolians and Han,” Konchok Gyatso said.

Chen Lijian, a researcher at the China Tibetology Research Center, said the temple has historically had an influence on Tibetan Buddhism.

“And it will continue to serve as a key platform to promote exchanges between different cultures and ethnic unity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,” Chen said.




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