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Boris Johnson announces his unbridled memoir Unleashed will be published in October

Boris Johnson announces his unbridled memoir Unleashed will be published in October


Boris Johnson will lift the veil on his stay Downing Street publishing a fast-paced memoir called Unleashed.

The old Prime Minister announced the the book will be published by William Collins on October 10.

He promises to cover all the key moments from his time as Mayor of London to his role in the Brexit referendum and its passage to Downing Street between 2019 and 2022.

Boris Johnson will detail what he calls the huge realignment that has taken place in British politics over the past 15 years (William Collins)Boris Johnson will detail what he calls the huge realignment that has taken place in British politics over the past 15 years (William Collins)

Boris Johnson will detail what he calls the huge realignment that has taken place in British politics over the past 15 years (William Collins)

William Collins publishing director Arabella Pike said the memoir was compulsively readable, filled to the brim with serious reflections on his tenure, but written with his charismatic wit, vivid use of language and storytelling. alot.

Mr Johnson said: “I am honored that HarperCollins is publishing my personal account of the huge realignment that has taken place in British politics over the last 15 years and what might lie ahead.

So wait until my thoughts on Britain's future explode into the publishing world like a well-shaken bottle of champagne.

Mr Johnson's political career began with an election in the safe Labor seat of Clwyd South in north Wales, where he lost as a Conservative candidate in 1997.

He was MP for Henley from 2001 to 2008 before becoming a political star as Mayor of London.

Defeating incumbent Ken Livingstone, his tenure in a largely Labor-leaning city was notable, and he held the position during the 2012 Olympics, seen as a triumph for the host city.

Mr Johnson was forced from office after a series of scandals (PA Wire)Mr Johnson was forced from office after a series of scandals (PA Wire)

Mr Johnson was forced from office after a series of scandals (PA Wire)

Mr Johnson stole the show on the day of Britain's first gold medal of the games, getting stuck on a zip wire while holding two union flags and wearing a safety helmet.

His path to the premiership was sealed by his support for the Brexit campaign in 2016, which undermined Prime Minister David Cameron's leadership, left Theresa May in a bind and created the conditions for Mr Johnson to rise to the highest position.

His subsequent fall as prime minister, just three years after winning a landslide 80-seat majority for the Conservatives in 2019, was short and devastating. He was forced to leave office in September 2022 after overseeing repeated scandals, including Partygate and his handling of fumbling allegations against former Conservative whip Chris Pincher.

His memoir will appear six months after his successor, Liz Truss, published her own book, Ten years to save the West.

Britain's longest-serving prime minister has filled her memoir with jaw-dropping anecdotes from her time in Downing Street, including the admission that she wondered why me, why now? after learning of the queen's death.




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