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PM Modi in his address to the nation on Yoga Day

PM Modi in his address to the nation on Yoga Day


International Yoga Day 2024 LIVE Updates: 'Yoga Agent of Global Good': PM Modi addresses nation on Yoga Day

PM Modi In Srinagar LIVE: The 30-minute yoga session will begin shortly.

Addressing the nation on the occasion of International Yoga Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the world sees yoga as an agent for global good. The Prime Minister was scheduled to address nations on the banks of Dal Lake to celebrate the 10th International Yoga Day, but due to incessant rain, the event was moved indoors. The Prime Minister will do yoga at the Sher-e-Kashmir International Convention Complex and around 4,000 people are expected. This year's theme, “Yoga for Self and Society,” emphasizes the vital role of yoga in promoting individual well-being and social harmony.

PM Modi will perform yoga asanas with VIPs, children and thousands of people of Jammu and Kashmir. The 30-minute yoga session will begin at 7 am, in the presence of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha and Minister Ayush Prataprao Ganpatrao Jadhav.

Here are LIVE updates on International Yoga Day celebrations:

“The world sees yoga as a powerful agent for global good”: PM Modi
“The world sees yoga as a powerful agent for global good. Yoga helps us live in the present moment. It connects us to ourselves and our deepest feelings. Yoga helps us realize that our well-being is linked to that of those around us. Yoga is a science. In today's world, the human mind finds it difficult to concentrate on anything. Yoga is the solution to this problem. he declared.

'Tourists from all over the world come to India for authentic yoga': PM Modi
“The world's leading institutions and universities are publishing research on yoga. Yoga is no longer limited now. The world is watching the emergence of a new yoga economy. Tourists from all over the world are coming to India to learn yoga. authentic yoga, which increases yoga tourism,” he said. .

“The number of people practicing yoga across the world is increasing”: PM Modi
“Last year, I led the celebration of Yoga Day at the UN in the United States. The journey of yoga across the world continues. I am happy that today, more than 100 institutions have been certified by the Yoga Council of the AYUSH Ministry The number of people practicing yoga is increasing,” he said.

PM shares wishes on International Yoga Day
“I extend greetings from Srinagar to the world on the occasion of International Yoga Day,” PM Modi said.

In photos: Indo-Tibetan border police do yoga over 15,000 feet above sea level in Sikkim
In photos: yoga practiced in Times Square in New York

A large number of people joined the “Solstice in Times Square” to celebrate yoga, ahead of International Yoga Day. “The day-long celebration of yoga, also known as “Solstice in Times Square,” included seven yoga sessions, during which approximately “10,000 people of all nationalities participated, demonstrating the widespread enthusiasm for yoga in New York and the United States,” said the Consulate General of India in New York.

In Photos: Participants await PM Modi's arrival for Yoga Day celebrations in Srinagar
“Nehruji recognized the merits of yoga”: the congress on yoga day post on

In Photos: Previews of Yoga Day 2023, PM Modi did yoga at the UN




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