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International Yoga Day 2024: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver a speech at 6:40 am and take part in a group yoga session later

International Yoga Day 2024: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver a speech at 6:40 am and take part in a group yoga session later


International Yoga Day 2024:Prime Minister Narendra Modi – who assumed office for a third consecutive term last week – is all set to deliver a much-anticipated speech commemorating the International Day of Yoga at 6:40 am in Srinagar on Friday, June 21. The speech – which is expected to last around 20 minutes – will likely highlight the global importance of yoga.

After his speech, PM Modi will join a group yoga session, actively showcasing the physical and mental benefits of practicing yoga.

The International Day of Yoga 2024 event not only highlights the country's commitment to promoting the holistic benefits of the practice worldwide, but also aims to foster unity and well-being through collective engagement in this ancient discipline.

Here are some important details about PM Modi's International Yoga Day program:

  • PM Modi's group yoga session set to begin at 7 am
  • Union ministers are also expected to participate in the yoga session virtually from different parts of the country.
  • Defense Minister Rajnath Singh to participate from Mathura
  • Minister of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare Shivraj Singh Chouhan will participate from New Delhi
  • Health Minister JP Nadda will participate from the national capital

Importance of International Yoga Day 2024

International Yoga Day serves as a platform to raise awareness around the world about the benefits of yoga, both physical and mental. The popularity of yoga has increased significantly due to this global practice. Yoga is known for its holistic health benefits, promoting physical fitness, mental clarity and emotional balance. International Yoga Day encourages people to incorporate yoga into their daily lives to improve their overall well-being.

It promotes cultural exchange and understanding, as yoga originated in ancient India but has transcended borders and cultures.

This day celebrates the universal appeal of yoga and its ability to bring people together regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religion.

Yoga promotes unity and harmony among individuals, communities and nations.

Practicing yoga together on this day symbolizes solidarity and mutual respect, thereby contributing to global peace and cooperation.

The celebration of International Yoga Day has prompted governments and organizations around the world to formulate policies and initiatives to promote yoga and its benefits, including research, education and integration into health systems .

History of International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day was created to raise awareness around the world of the many benefits of practicing yoga. The idea was first proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in September 2014. He suggested that June 21 – the longest day of the he year in the northern hemisphere – or the day when International Yoga Day is celebrated, as it has particular significance in many parts of the world.

The resolution establishing the International Day of Yoga was approved by a record 177 UN member states, underscoring the global recognition of the benefits of yoga. In December of the same year, the UNGA officially declared June 21 International Yoga Day.

The first International Yoga Day was celebrated on June 21, 2015, with millions of people participating in events around the world.

International Yoga Day Greetings to Share with Friends and Family

Here is a list of five wishes for International Yoga Day:

  • Happy International Yoga Day! I wish you peace, health and harmony through yoga.
  • Celebrate Yoga Day by finding your inner balance and tranquility. Namaste!
  • May your yoga practice bring you serenity and joy. Happy International Yoga Day!
  • Happy yoga day! Harness the power of yoga to transform your mind, body and spirit.
  • Sending you love and light on this International Yoga Day. Keep practicing and stay blessed!
  • On this yoga day, may you find peace and strength in every pose. Namaste!
  • I wish you a day filled with conscious breathing and inner calm. Happy International Yoga Day!
  • Happy International Yoga Day! May your journey through yoga be filled with growth and peace.
  • Embrace the oneness of mind and body today. Happy Yoga Day to you and your loved ones!
  • Celebrate the harmony of yoga. Happy International Yoga Day! Namaste and be well.




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