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Jack Smith decides to strengthen the evidence against Donald Trump

Jack Smith decides to strengthen the evidence against Donald Trump


Prosecutor Jack Smith is seeking to counter Donald Trump's claims that key evidence was destroyed in his Florida classified documents case.

Trump claims prosecutors hid information that key classified documents found at his Mar-a-Lago property were mixed with his personal papers. The former president's lawyers say this shows he had no bad intentions and was not consciously trying to keep classified documents after leaving the White House in January 2021.

Trump faces 40 federal charges for his handling of sensitive documents recovered on August 8, 2022, during an FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida. He is accused of obstructing federal efforts to return them. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee has pleaded not guilty to all charges. Newsweek contacted Trump's lawyer and Smith's office via email on Thursday for comment.

Donald Trump speaks during a rally at Festival Park on June 18, 2024 in Racine, Wisconsin. The former president claims prosecutors suppressed evidence in his classified documents case in Florida. Donald Trump speaks during a rally at Festival Park on June 18, 2024 in Racine, Wisconsin. The former president claims prosecutors suppressed evidence in his classified documents case in Florida. Scott Olson/Getty Images

On June 10, Trump filed a “motion to dismiss for spoliation of evidence in violation of due process.” The prosecutors' written response is due June 24, 2024. However, they have almost reached the 30-page limit for a response.

In a court filing Wednesday, Smith seeks to add “seven additional pages for his opposition in order to fully address Defendant Trump's allegations and arguments.” The filing also states that “defendant Trump's attorney consents to the government's request.”

In the June 10 motion, Trump's lawyers said prosecutors should have disclosed that the classified documents were mixed with the former president's personal effects. “The fact that the allegedly classified documents were buried in boxes and mixed with President Donald Trump's personal effects from his first term strongly supported the defense's argument that he lacked knowledge and guilty criminal intent regarding the documents in question.

“Any proximity between allegedly classified documents and other documents dated years before the move, such as letters and diaries, would have further strengthened this argument,” Trump’s lawyers add.

They also state: “The government was more interested in staging – and leaking – manipulated photographs to the press than in preserving key exculpatory evidence that has now been lost forever. »

The filing, written by Trump attorneys Chris Kise and Todd Blanche, adds that during hearings in March and April 2024, Smith's office “made a false statement to the Court that the sequence of documents before the raid was intact.”

“Only after an inspection of the evidence by lawyers for President Donald Trump's co-defendants revealed the extent of the problem did the Bureau reveal in a May 3, 2024 filing that the documents were not intact as previously claimed,” Trump’s lawyers say.

They add that “the vague language in this communication and the corresponding requests for additional investigation from President Donald Trump have caused these due process violations to be further undermined.”

“The Constitution required far more than the Office of the Special Prosecutor and the FBI were prepared to do.”

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