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Xi emphasizes ecological conservation, high-quality development of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

Xi emphasizes ecological conservation, high-quality development of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau


XINING, Aug. 20 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping highlighted continued efforts to protect the ecology of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau during an inspection tour of Qinghai Province from Tuesday to Wednesday.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, also called on the province to promote high-quality development by deepening reforms, expanding opening-up and pursuing development. green, ethnic. unity and common prosperity.

The plateau, located in northwest China, is home to rich, diverse but fragile ecosystems. It is home to the Sanjiangyuan region, nicknamed “the water tower of China”, where the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River have their source.

Qinghai is a province with a concentration of ethnic minority groups.


Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visits a middle school in Xining, northwest China's Qinghai Province, June 18, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua]

On Tuesday afternoon, Xi visited a middle school in Xining, the provincial capital. It is a boarding school financed and built with the help of Shanghai and which welcomes students from ethnic minorities from the pastoral areas of the Tibetan autonomous prefecture of Golog.

Xi visited the school canteen, a dormitory and a classroom where he listened to students talk about how their hometown had changed and saw the students' drawings.

Xi highlighted notable achievements in collaboration between the country's eastern and western regions as well as joint assistance, especially in the field of education.

This fully demonstrates the strength of the Party leadership and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, as well as the mutual support among members of the Chinese national family, Xi said.

Paired assistance plays a crucial role in China's development. Twinning of developed and underdeveloped regions is prevalent across all sectors, including health, education and industry. Under this framework, capital, skilled workers and other resources are directed from wealthier regions to lagging ones to promote their development.

On the campus square, Xi was surrounded by professors and students. He expressed hope that the students will study hard and strive for a bright future.


Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visits a Tibetan Buddhist temple in Xining, northwest China's Qinghai Province, June 18, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua]

Later, Xi visited the centuries-old Hongjue Temple. He said the temple had played an important role as a bridge in strengthening ties between the central government and Tibetan Buddhism over generations.

“It is essential to protect this precious historical and cultural heritage and renew efforts to foster a strong sense of community within the Chinese nation and promote ethnic unity and progress,” Xi said.

He expressed hope that the Tibetan Buddhist circle in the province would carry forward the fine traditions of patriotism, help promote religious, social and ethnic harmony and play an active role in advancing Chinese modernization.

On Wednesday morning, Xi listened to the report of the CPC provincial committee and the provincial government on their work.

Noting that Qinghai is entrusted with the crucial mission of safeguarding ecological security, Xi said the province should keep in mind what to do and what not to do in developing its industries.

Qinghai should efficiently exploit its resources and accelerate its construction to become a world-class salt lake industrial base, a national clean energy hub, an international eco-tourism destination and a supplier of green agricultural and livestock products, said Mr. .Xi.

He asked the province to continue comprehensive reform, expand opening-up, improve the business environment and contribute to the construction of a Green Silk Road.

Xi stressed that strengthening eco-environment protection is a primary task for Qinghai. He said the province should seriously implement the ecological conservation law on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and carry out major projects to preserve and restore key ecosystems.

He said the priority was to safeguard “China's water tower”, protect biodiversity and strengthen water conservation capacity.

Qinghai should create exemplary nature reserves, typical of China and having global influence, through the construction of a nature reserve system with national parks as the pillars, he said.

Xi called for robust efforts to resolve urgent difficulties and problems that people are most concerned about, and make basic public services more balanced and accessible. “Rural revitalization should prioritize increasing the income of farmers and herders,” he said.

Xi added that the Party's major principles and policies on work related to ethnic and religious affairs should be fully implemented, with emphasis on creating a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

He stressed the importance of remaining committed to the principle that religions in China should be Chinese-oriented and strengthening the administration of religious affairs in accordance with law.




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