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Xi Jinping says military faces 'deep problems', highlights corruption

Xi Jinping says military faces 'deep problems', highlights corruption


Chinese President Xi Jinping said the People's Liberation Army (PLA) faced “profound problems” related to politics, ideology, work style and discipline, as reported by the state television channel. Video surveillance on Wednesday (19). This declaration follows an anti-corruption campaign within the armed forces. The information comes from the agency Reuters.

At a political-military working conference this week in the city of Yanan, a historically important location for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Xi said that “there should be no hiding place for corrupt elements in the army.”

Xi added that cadres at all levels, especially the highest, “must show courage in admitting their failures,” putting aside their prestige. “They need to think deeply about themselves, make serious corrections and resolve fundamental problems in their thinking,” the leader said.

He also said that the political challenges currently facing the PLA are “complex and complex” and that the national, partisan and military situation is “undergoing complex and profound changes.” And he pledged to “increase resources to combat new types of corruption and hidden corrupt practices” and to intensify senior management oversight.

Xi Jinping and China's armed forces: growing investments (Photo: Hong Kong Governor/disclosure)
Military action compromised by corruption

This statement comes in the middle of a purge process promoted by the president of the ELP, which was approached with the greatest discretion by the government. Earlier this year, US intelligence shed light on the issue, saying widespread corruption was undermining the functioning of the military's arsenal and forcing Beijing to make drastic changes in the leadership of its armed forces.

The process of tracking down corrupt people even compromised the country's possible plans to go to war at that time. North American authorities questioned by the networkBloomberg They said corruption was slowing Xi's modernization process and any major military action, such as a possible invasion of Taiwan, should be postponed for a few years.

The sources, whose identity was kept confidential, said the misappropriation of money would have led to embarrassing situations, such as missile silos unable to function due to components lacking maintenance and rockets with water mixed with fuel, which would prevent a possible launch. in the event of war.

Corruption would have forced the president to modify his plans in the midst of the modernization process, placing the fight against embezzlement as a priority. So, in July last year, it created a new mechanism to investigate information leaks and targeted offers for the benefit of certain companies.

Then came the purge. The first victim was Defense Minister Li Shangfu, who held the post for only seven months and was fired in October last year. Also missing are five officials of the PLA missile force, two members of the equipment development department and three executives of state-owned missile manufacturing companies. Not to mention the dismissals kept confidential.

Although the CCP remains secretive on details, it had already made clear that corruption must be addressed, raising the problem in a January 1 editorial in the official armed forces press.

Xi himself raised the subject in January, according to the magazineNews week. After ten years of tireless and powerful efforts against corruption in the new era, we have won a landslide victory and consolidated our gains as a whole. However, the situation remains dire and complex, said the chairman of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the CPC's highest supervisory body.




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