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Trump eclipses Biden in latest fundraising figures in show of political strength after his felony convictions


NEW YORK (AP) Donald Trump's campaign outspent President Joe Biden by more than $60 million last month, according to federal documents released Thursday that detailed the Republican fundraising explosion sparked by criminal convictions of Trump.

Biden's campaign and the Democratic National Committee together raised $85 million in May and reported $212 million in the bank at the end of the month. Those strong showings don't include the roughly $40 million raised by Biden and his top surrogates in recent days, nor a separate $20 million donation from former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to pro-state groups. Biden.

Yet Trump's fundraising, for at least a month, seemed to eclipse Biden's.

The Trump campaign and Republican National Committee said they raised a staggering $141 million in May, including tens of millions donated immediately after Trump was convicted of 34 crimes in the secrecy case. At New York. At the same time, billionaire Timothy Mellon donated a staggering $50 million to a pro-Trump super PAC the day after Trump's guilty verdict, according to filings.

Trump's campaign refused to disclose how much money it had in the bank at the end of May, prompting Biden's campaign to question whether groups were still spending heavily to cover Trump's legal costs.

Our strong and consistent fundraising program attracted millions of people in May, a clear sign of strong and growing enthusiasm for the president and vice president each month, said Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden campaign manager . The money we continue to raise is important, and it helps the campaign build an operation that invests in reaching and winning the voters who will decide this election – a stark contrast to Trump's PR stunts and photo ops that it claims to be a campaign.

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Taken together, the numbers detailed in the latest campaign documents filed by the Federal Election Commission suggest that Democrats could still maintain a financial advantage in the 2024 presidential campaign. But nearly four months before Election Day, the Democratic camp Trump is closing the gap, if he isn't already.

The new fundraising numbers also underscore the extent to which the rules of presidential politics are being rewritten in the Trump era.

At almost any other time in U.S. history, a presidential candidate would have been forced out of an election after being convicted of dozens of crimes. But in 2024, Trump's guilty verdict instead fueled a massive fundraising wave that allowed his team to ramp up advertising and infrastructure in swing states, just as voters are starting to lend more money. pay attention to the election.

Backed by Mellon's massive donation, the pro-Trump super PAC known as MAGA Inc. on Thursday set aside $3.5 million in television advertising that is expected to begin July 3 in Georgia and Pennsylvania, according to the marketing firm. AdImpact media tracking. In total, the group reported raising $68.8 million for the month of May, ending the month with $93.7 million in the bank.

Mellon has been one of the biggest donors to Trump and independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., although his support for Kennedy may be fading.

Kennedy raised $2.6 million last month and ended May with $6.4 million in the bank. The vast majority of his total fundraising came from his running mate Nicole Shanahan, a wealthy Silicon Valley lawyer. The Kennedy campaign spent more than it raised for the month.

The numbers reported Thursday do not include anything raised in June, including about $40 million raised by Biden and his top surrogates in recent days. The vast majority came from a glitzy fundraiser last Saturday featuring movie stars and former President Barack Obama in Los Angeles, which raised more than $30 million. First lady Jill Biden also launched her own personal fundraiser that raised $1.5 million.

Meanwhile, Biden also received a big boost from Bloomberg.

The billionaire philanthropist, who briefly ran for president as a Democrat in 2020, sent $19 million to the pro-Biden group Future Forward in addition to sending the legal maximum of $929,600 to the Biden Victory Fund, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Bloomberg also officially endorsed Biden on Thursday. I supported Joe Biden in 2020 and am proud to do so again, Bloomberg said in a statement.

The Biden campaign said the vast majority of its latest fundraising came from local donors such as nurses, teachers and retirees. Overall, the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee attracted more than 3 million new donors last month, according to a campaign statement.

While Trump sheds his billionaire sycophants, our campaign represents the voices of America, and we are honored to have their support as we head into November, said Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison.


AP writers Seung Min Kim in Washington and Jill Colvin in New York contributed.




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