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PM Modi and IFAD launch $217 million program to empower rural communities in Jammu and Kashmir – India

PM Modi and IFAD launch $217 million program to empower rural communities in Jammu and Kashmir – India


New Delhi, June 20, 2024 – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a $217.2 million program to transform agriculture, increase incomes and improve the livelihoods of rural communities in Jammu and Kashmir. The “Jammu and Kashmir Competitiveness of Agriculture and Allied Sectors Project (JKCIP)” is a partnership between the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. -Kashmir (GoJ&K) in India aimed at improving competitiveness and climate. resilience of small farmers.

The JKCIP will encourage 300,000 families and 1.5 million people in the 20 districts to adopt climate-smart and market-oriented production by introducing good agricultural practices, promoting diversification towards high-value crops best suited to agriculture. adapted to the region's climate and expanding niche crops and horticulture. growing areas.

“This project represents a unique opportunity to transform agriculture in Jammu and Kashmir,” said Ulaç Demirag, Country Director and IFAD Representative in India. “By prioritizing climate-smart practices, fostering innovation, sustainability and empowering rural communities, this investment can help create a more prosperous, inclusive and resilient future for the region,” he said. he added.

Aligning with GoJ&K's ambitious holistic agriculture development agenda, the project aims to unlock the vast agricultural potential of Jammu and Kashmir, which has so far been hampered by several factors, namely: remoteness of the region, limited connectivity, poor agricultural management practices, low value investment. food chain and limited livelihood diversification options for vulnerable communities.

The JKCIP will address these constraints by promoting the development of viable and inclusive agricultural producer organizations, improving productivity and production of niche and horticultural crops, enabling farmers to obtain better prices and improving the resilience of vulnerable groups.

It will also develop the agro-industrial ecosystem by boosting the growth of agricultural businesses and start-ups, with a particular focus on those led by young women entrepreneurs, helping to create and connect to new markets. It will help vulnerable communities diversify their livelihoods by helping them improve breeding practices and obtain better prices for wool. This will create new income opportunities and contribute to a more inclusive rural economy.

IFAD is contributing USD 100 million to the USD 217.2 million programme, of which USD 50.77 million will be dedicated to climate action. GoJ&K is contributing $26.4 million. Private banks will contribute $20.8 million, while another $20.7 million will come from the private sector. Project participants will add $45.8 million of their own funds.

India is one of the founding members of IFAD. The current IFAD India Strategic Opportunities Program is fully aligned with the government's policy framework and efforts to ensure that smallholder food and agricultural production systems are remunerative, sustainable and resilient to climate change and price shocks. To date, IFAD has supported 34 rural development projects in India, worth USD 1,364.58 million. These interventions have directly benefited more than 6.3 million families.

Learn more about IFAD's action in India

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Press release no: FIDA/48/2024

IFAD is an international financial institution and a specialized agency of the United Nations. Based in Rome – the United Nations' center for food and agriculture – IFAD invests in rural people, empowering them to reduce poverty, increase food security, improve nutrition and strengthen their resilience. Since 1978, we have provided more than $24 billion in grants and low-interest loans to finance projects in developing countries.

A wide range of photographs of IFAD's work in rural communities can be downloaded from its website. Image bank.

Media contact

Yamini Lohia

Communications Analyst, Asia and Pacific

[email protected]




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