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Imran Khan should be released: Syed Yawar Abbas

Imran Khan should be released: Syed Yawar Abbas


Office Report

Attock: Former Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) provincial minister Syed Yawar Abbas Bukhari has said that Imran Khan should be released. True sacrifice occurs where there is no corruption. We supported Imran Khan to establish true democracy, eradicate corruption and restore justice in the country. Seventeen lakh (1.7 million) young people have left this country. I had become very distant from my voters and my workers and I could not share their sorrows and their joys. Despite my absence, you brought us success. I am indebted to your love. Despite the immense difficulties I faced, God granted me life. Due to illness, I lost my vision, had four surgeries on my leg, and had fluid in my lungs. Whatever injustice must have been done to me, it has been done. We don't need those who have left us. He expressed these thoughts during an Eid gathering at the residence of Syed Wajid Hussain Bukhari in Al-Hadi House.

A large number of PTI officials, workers, voters and journalists were present at the event, including newly elected PTI member in the Provincial Assembly Syed Ijaz Hussain Bukhari, PTI city president Qazi Babar , Tehsil Chairman Chaudhry Abid, City Vice Chairman Faraz Khan, Chairman. Boota Malik Akram, Malik Ijaz of Syedan, Rana Liaqat Ali Khan, Rana Muhammad Akram, Noor Muhammad of Shah Faisalabad, Sibtain Shah, Amjad Altaf, Muhammad Yasir, Hamad Malik, Malik Jahangir, Chaudhry Atif and many others.

Syed Yawar Abbas Bukhari said that Imran Khan was being punished for putting public interests first. He mentioned that his uncle Syed Wajid Bukhari and his family, including Zulfi Bukhari, also had to leave the country. We do not know for what crime they are being punished. We salute the Pakistan Army. The army has always been respected in the hearts of all Pakistanis, who are hundreds of miles away from home to protect our lives. Yawar Bukhari said they are not the type to back down; they have stood by Imran Khan before and will continue to do so in the future. He urged not to try to create divisions within the party. Yawar Bukhari also said that we cannot even do justice to animals; the landowners cut off the camels' legs, and it makes no difference to them.

At the end, Syed Yawar Bukhari thanked the workers, voters and the media for responding to his invitation. The program ended with Hafiz Abdul Hamid of Daur Dad praying for the unity of the country, security of the party and peace in the nation.




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