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Today's Key Events: PM Modi to lead International Yoga Day in JK; Kejriwal must be released from prison; US PMI data, and more


Significant developments across India mark today's events. Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived on a two-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday to participate in the International Yoga Day celebrations in Srinagar. Look at:

PM Modi to lead 10th International Yoga Day in Srinagar, JK

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, for a two-day visit. He will unveil various development projects and participate in the International Yoga Day celebrations on Friday.

This is Prime Minister Modi's first visit to Jammu and Kashmir since assuming office for a third consecutive term.

Also Read: Srinagar all set to host PM Modi's International Yoga Day 2024 on the banks of Dal Lake on June 21

On June 21, Prime Minister Modi will lead the International Yoga Day celebrations at SKICC in Srinagar. The Prime Minister will address the gathering on the occasion and will later participate in the CYP yoga session.

PMLA case on Delhi excise policy: Arvind Kejriwal to be released from Tihar jail

The Rouse Avenue court has granted bail to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in connection with a money laundering case linked to Delhi's excise policy. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) had opposed his bail application.

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Justice Nyay Bindu, as a vacation judge, granted bail to Arvind Kejriwal after submitting a surety worth One Lakh. The court ordered that the release order be sent to the Tihar Jail authorities by 4 p.m. on Friday, through the court messenger. Then, prison authorities will begin the process of preparing the release memorandum, which may take longer.

Bangladesh Prime Minister Hasina begins state visit to India on Friday

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will pay a two-day state visit to India starting Friday to further strengthen the close ties between the two countries.

This will be the first bilateral state visit by a foreign leader since the formation of the new government in India following the Lok Sabha elections.

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Hasina was among seven senior leaders from India's neighborhood and the Indian Ocean region who attended the inauguration ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Union Council of Ministers at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on 9 June.

Modi and Hasina are expected to hold in-depth talks on Saturday, with the two sides expected to conclude a series of cooperation agreements in several sectors.

10th round of commercial coal auction launched

The Coal Ministry is set to launch the next tranche of coal block auctions. Union Minister for Coal and Mines G. Kishan Reddy will launch the 10th round of commercial auction for coal mining on June 21, 2024 in Hyderabad.

According to an official statement, the auction round includes 60 coal blocks encompassing a wide range of coking and non-coking coal mines. These blocks strategically located in different states/regions will support regional economic development and job creation.

NEET-UG clash: Congress plans nationwide protests

The Congress party is planning to stage protests at the state headquarters this Friday, demanding justice for students following the glaring anomalies in the conduct of the NEET-UG 2024 exam.

A letter highlighting the immediate need to address students' concerns was distributed to state unit heads, congressional legislative party leaders, state officials, chief secretaries and other senior officials.

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As you are aware, the National Testing Agency (NTA) released the NEET-UG 2024 results on June 4, 2024. The results were marred by allegations of irregularities and paper leaks following inflated marks of some aspirants, Congress general secretary KC Venugopal said. said.

Delhi water crisis: Atishi begins indefinite hunger strike from Friday

Delhi Water Minister Atishi said she will begin an indefinite hunger strike in south Delhi's Bhogal from Friday noon to press for her demand for 100 million gallons of water. water per day from Haryana.

Also read: AAP's Atishi threatens indefinite fast in letter to PM Modi: If Delhi doesn't get its share of water by June 21

Addressing a press conference, Atishi said she would first go to Rajghat on Friday at 11 am to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi, whose path of Satyagraha was the only option available, as no water was supplied to Delhi.

“Delhi requires 1,005 MGD of water, of which 613 MGD comes from Haryana. Since the last two weeks, Haryana has reduced this to 513 MGD. The 100 MGD less water has pushed about 28 lakh residents of the city to crave every drop of water,” she says.

CJI and fellow judges to participate in the 10th International Yoga Day

Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud and other judges of the Supreme Court will participate in the 10th International Yoga Day celebrations to be held on Friday.

“On the occasion of the 10th International Day of Yoga, June 21, 2024, a yoga event will be organized for the officers and staff of the Registry in the Congregation Hall, 2nd Floor, Block C and in the Hall of Yoga and Recreation, 4th Floor, Block A, Additional Building Complex, Supreme Court of India, Chief Justice of India and other judges will participate in the event.

“The officers and staff are requested to make the event a success through their participation. The Yoga Asanas will be supervised by yoga experts,” said a circular from the apex court.

US PMI data

Investors will be watching for key U.S. economic data to be released today, including the S&P Global Manufacturing & Services PMI for June and existing home sales data for May.

First session of the new Andhra Pradesh Assembly

The first session of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, after the TDP-led coalition came to power in the state, is scheduled to begin on June 21. Although it was initially decided to meet from June 24, it was brought forward to Friday. PTI a TDP source reported on Wednesday.

Odisha government extends curfew in Balasore

As tension persists in parts of Balasore city, the Odisha government on Thursday further extended the curfew period till June 21 midnight, while also allowing a six-hour relaxation on Friday. PTI » reported quoting officials.

Balasore District Collector Ashish Thakare said in a post morning to noon to meet their daily needs. During this period, all commercial establishments and common services are allowed to operate.

(With contribution from agencies)

HomeNewsIndiaToday's Top Events: PM Modi to lead International Yoga Day in JK; Kejriwal must be released from prison; US PMI data, and more




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