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Imran Khan says talks could lead to overthrow of government

Imran Khan says talks could lead to overthrow of government
Imran Khan says talks could lead to overthrow of government


Former PM says he wants to negotiate for the good of Pakistan, not for himself or the government

Khayam Abassi

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founding president Imran Khan on Friday said any negotiations with the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) could lead to the downfall of their government.

In an informal media chat during the hearing of the 190 million benchmark case, the incarcerated former prime minister expressed his desire to negotiate in the interest of Pakistan, and not for personal or government interests.

“I want to negotiate for Pakistan, not for me or the government,” he said.

Imran reiterated his willingness to back down if it benefits the country, saying: “Convince me that it benefits the country, and I will back down.”

He criticized the current government for not cutting spending and failing to create a favorable environment for investment. “The country is in crisis,” said the former prime minister.

“The government has not reduced its spending, which is worrying. The current government has failed to create an environment conducive to investment.

Imran argued that Pakistan needs a mandate-led government to carry out necessary reforms, pointing out that the current budget highlights the limitations of a non-mandate government. He condemned the heavy taxation of professionals and the public, predicting serious consequences on future electricity bills.

Imran lamented broken promises regarding load shedding in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP), where power cuts are severe.

He criticized the persistent problem of electricity theft in various regions, questioning where the public should turn for solutions. “Electricity theft is an old problem. This is also happening in Hyderabad, Sindh and Quetta,” he said.

Imran also complained about not being able to meet Ali Amin Gandapur, although he himself did not refuse a meeting. He highlighted the lack of unity within political parties and criticized Maryam Nawaz for her extravagant spending on self-promotion.

Imran announced his intention to file a complaint against major officials and colonels of Adiala prison, accusing Ahsan Iqbal of contempt for suggesting that he be imprisoned for five years.

He questioned the rule of law, criticizing recent judicial and administrative actions.

He also criticized the amendments to the NAB laws, alleging that they were aimed at covering up corruption. “How can someone who organized fraudulent elections bring justice? » asked Imran.

He warned that additional borrowing would be needed to pay down the national debt and urged the justice system to support the weak rather than the powerful.




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