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Jailed former Pakistani PM Imran Khan signals willingness to negotiate with establishment | Pakistan News

Jailed former Pakistani PM Imran Khan signals willingness to negotiate with establishment |  Pakistan News


Jailed former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan suggested on Friday that he would step down from his position and engage in talks with the establishment if he was convinced such a move would be in the best interests of the country.

The founder of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party signaled his intention while addressing journalists in the courtroom during the hearing of the Al-Qadir Trust case in Adiala prison in Rawalpindi . The case concerns alleged £190 million corruption.

“I want to have negotiations for Pakistan. I have already said that if the country benefits from my withdrawal, then please me and I will step back, Khan said when asked if he would speak to a representative appointed by the establishment to negotiate with him. In Pakistan, the term “establishment” refers to the powerful military.

However, he did not explain what exactly he meant by backsliding, which apparently could be linked to his position that the elections were rigged and the current government is illegitimate.

Asked about negotiations with the government, Khan, 71, said any negotiations with the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) could lead to the fall of their government. What negotiations are we going to carry out with the PML-N? Their government will end (if we hold talks), he said.

He said the entire nation is currently turning to the justice system.

When asked why he supported negotiations with the government in a meeting with current PTI chairman Gohar Khan and then backed out, Khan replied: We did not support negotiations at the government level. left and we tasked Mahmood Khan Achakzai to negotiate. Achakzai was his party's presidential candidate.

He was asked whether Achakzai had negotiated with the government on his (Khan's) behalf and whether he would accept these negotiations. Khan said: “When Mahmood Khan Achakzai makes an offer, we will consider it.” The PTI founder said the country needed surgery as it was currently going through crises. He said that Pakistan needs reforms and these reforms can only be implemented by a government with a public mandate.

The former prime minister also said that Pakistan cannot move forward when it takes loans to repay old debts and when Pakistanis invest abroad. He also criticized the government and said that such a budget, which burdened the people with taxes, was the result of rigged elections.

Khan was also not happy with the alleged presence of an army major and colonel in the prison and warned of filing a case against them. He also said the government had legislated to protect corruption and theft, alleging that five cases of Shehbaz Sharif, four of Nawaz Sharif, two of Maryam Nawaz and then Asif Zardari were closed due to the legislation.

Khan said that by opening the doors to “white-collar crime”, Shehbaz was asking the people to make sacrifices for the country. He also claimed that Maryam Nawaz was spending billions of rupees on advertising while claiming that the treasury was empty.

He also said that Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal had insulted the judiciary by making a statement that he would be kept in prison for five years, which proved that there was no rule of law in the country.

Khan also lambasted the federal government for not honoring an agreement with his party's chief minister of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa but reducing power outages in the province.

The former prime minister has been languishing in prison since August last year, but he often has the opportunity to interact with journalists allowed into Adiala prison to cover the hearings of the cases against him.




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