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Algeria, key element of Turkish strategy in North Africa

Algeria, key element of Turkish strategy in North Africa


Algeria, key element of Turkish strategy in North Africa

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  (AP file photo)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. (AP file photo)

Algeria occupies a key position in the Turkish Africa pivot, being neither distant nor ally, while presenting both opportunities and challenges in its relations with Ankara. Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf was in Ankara last week for a closed-door meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Although no details have been released about the meeting at the presidential complex, a closer look at Turkish-Algerian relations will provide a better understanding of their trajectory.

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebbounes' state visit to Turkey in 2022 and Erdogan's reciprocal visit last year cemented growing ties between the two countries. During Erdogan's visit to Algeria, Ankara and Algiers elevated their relations to a strategic level, marking a significant step forward in their relations since Tebboune took office in 2019.

There are several reasons for the setbacks in Turkish-Algerian relations, but there are now compelling reasons for progress. In 1955, Turkey sided with the Western world and abstained from the vote on Algeria's self-determination in the United Nations General Assembly thanks to its Western-oriented foreign policy line . The wartime independence movement viewed Turkish abstention as support for France, while Turkey's position was rooted in its commitment to supporting its NATO allies. In 1960, following a change of government, Turkey voted in favor of Algerian independence.

Despite a common historical heritage, Turkey and Algeria, due to their different political and ideological leanings, maintained distant relations throughout the Cold War. In 1985, Turgut Özal, then Prime Minister, apologized for Turkey's partiality towards France in the 1950s. Despite these overtures and the collapse of the Iron Curtain, the two countries failed to find common ground on which to build closer relationships.

There were several reasons for setbacks in Turkish-Algerian relations, but there are now compelling reasons for progress

Sinem Cengiz

The Arab Spring of 2010 introduced another dimension to their relations, but not in a positive way. It is particularly important to add the Iranian dimension to the post-2010 balance. Iran has attempted to exploit the poor results of relations between Turkey and Algeria. The Syrian crisis was an important terrain for this Iranian strategy.

The growing alignment of Algeria and Iran's policies has accelerated since the Syrian crisis, while Turkey has been on the opposing side of the Algerian-Iranian axis. Iran and Algeria have categorically opposed any foreign interference in Syria's internal affairs. They took a similar position at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation meeting in Mecca in 2012, where Syria's suspension was approved by an absolute majority, with the only objections coming from Iran and Iran. 'Algeria.

Iranian leaders have repeatedly stressed that Iran and Algeria have the capacity to create a new world order, adding that they could be an example of fraternal ties through the expansion and diversification of relations in all countries. areas. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has repeatedly said the North African state has been a good partner and anti-Israel resistance front since the 1979 Iranian revolution.

The other point that brings Algeria and Iran together is their anti-imperialist position. Algeria has moved closer to Iran in an attempt to challenge the West's preference for Morocco as a partner in the region. In this context, Iran presents itself as a regional rival of Turkey in its Algerian pivot, since Tehran and Algiers have more in common when it comes to several regional issues.

Algeria is a strategic gateway to Turkish Maghreb policy, in which it pursues economic, energy and military objectives.

Sinem Cengiz

However, the decline of French influence in Algeria plays into Turkey's hands. France is experiencing a serious decline in its traditional colonial influence across the Maghreb, particularly among the new elites, less inclined to a pro-French ideology. For example, the Algerian government's decision in 2021 to ban French military aircraft from using its airspace had significant implications beyond symbolism. Algeria aims to show France that its historical role in the region, shaped by its colonial past, is no longer as strong as before.

This reflects a change in mentality among Algerian leaders and paves the way for Turkey to fill the void for France, alarmed by the development of Turkish-Algerian relations. French concern is not only linked to economic or political losses, but also to its military influence across the Maghreb.

Turkey is trying to consolidate its political and military presence in Libya, it has already strengthened its ties with Egypt and carefully maintains a balanced relationship with Tunisia and Morocco. In this context, Ankara attaches great importance to its relations with Algeria, which shares a border with Libya, where Turkey has increased its military activity. Algeria is also a strategic gateway to Turkish Maghreb policy, in which it pursues economic, energy and military objectives.

Algeria is Africa's fourth-largest economy and an important source of energy due to its vast reserves of natural resources. Turkish investments in Algeria have already exceeded those of China and are significant in a multitude of sectors. In terms of economic cooperation, the potential membership of Turkey and Algeria in the BRICS group is expected to add another dimension to these relations.

Although recent economic and political cooperation makes it an important partner for Turkey, Algeria remains a new foreign policy arena for Turkish policymakers seeking to establish a permanent relationship based on mutually beneficial interests. Material cooperation must be supported by intangible cooperation. In this regard, cooperation on the Palestinian cause offers an important avenue for Turkish-Algerian relations because, for many years, their bilateral relations have been complicated by Ankara's close relations with Israel.

Turkey is also expected to adopt a tense stance in its conflictual relations with Algeria and Morocco. Thus, although Algeria offers opportunities to Turkey, it also faces challenges related to the competitive influence of other countries.

Sinem Cengiz is a Turkish political analyst specializing in Turkey's relations with the Middle East. X: @SinemCngz

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by the authors in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Arab News.




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