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Missouri Attorney General to Sue New York for Trump Prosecution | Donald Trump trial

Missouri Attorney General to Sue New York for Trump Prosecution |  Donald Trump trial


Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey confirmed he is suing New York state for election interference and wrongful prosecution for taking the Stormy Daniels silence case to trial that saw Donald Trump convicted of 34 crimes.

Bailey, a Republican politician appointed by Missouri Governor Mike Parson last year, said in a post on X (formerly Twitter) that he would take legal action against the state of New York for his attack direct attack on our democratic process through unconstitutional legislation. against President Trump.

We must fight a rogue prosecutor who is trying to remove a presidential candidate from the campaign trail. This sabotages Missourians' right to free and fair elections, he added in a later message.

The trial is expected to be a series of similar actions against New York Attorney General Letitia James and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in two lawsuits filed against Trump or the Trump Organization and its executives. Both reached findings against the defendants. Trump is appealing both cases.

Bailey claims the silence case was brought to defame the presumptive presidential candidate before the November election and that New York State's statute of limitations on falsifying business records, a misdemeanor, has expired in 2019.

Furthermore, he claims, Bragg never specified the intent to commit another crime, namely election interference, which would have brought the charges back on schedule.

Radical progressives in New York are trying to rig the 2024 election. We must stand up and fight back, Bailey told Fox News Digital on Thursday.

But Bailey also told the outlet that he recognized that any attempt by one state to sue another would likely be brought directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. He said the investigations and subsequent prosecutions of Trump appear to have been conducted in coordination with the U.S. Department of Justice.

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Next month, Matthew Colangelo, a former federal prosecutor transferred to New York where he worked on Trump's lawsuits against the state and city, will be called to testify before Congress.

The aftershocks of Trump's 34-count criminal conviction continue to spread. On Friday, it was reported that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee had surpassed his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, in fundraising since the May verdict.




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