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Trump ally Bannon asks Supreme Court to delay prison sentence

Trump ally Bannon asks Supreme Court to delay prison sentence


WASHINGTON (AP) Steve Bannon, a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, asked the Supreme Court Friday to delay his prison sentence while he fights his conviction for defying a Senate subpoena. the House that investigated the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The emergency request came after a federal appeals court panel rejected Bannon's request to avoid reporting to prison before July 1 to serve his four-month sentence. It was addressed to Chief Justice John Roberts, who oversees emergency appeals in the Washington, DC, courts.

The High Court has asked the Justice Ministry to respond to the request by Wednesday, days before the court's summer recess begins. The court rejected a similar request from another Trump aide shortly after receiving a response in March.

Bannon was convicted nearly two years ago of two counts of contempt of Congress: one for refusing to sit in on a House committee deposition on Jan. 6 and the other for refusing to provide documents related to his involvement in Trump's efforts to overturn his 2020 presidential election defeat to Democrat Joe Biden.

Bannon presented the case as politically motivated, and his lawyer David Schoen said the case raised serious constitutional questions that should be considered by the Supreme Court.

If Bannon goes to prison next month, he will likely have to serve his entire sentence before the High Court has a chance to revisit these issues, since the court is scheduled to take its summer recess at the end of June , wrote lawyer Trent McCotter in his emergency request.

His lawyer says the former adviser did not ignore the subpoena, but was still negotiating with the congressional committee when he was indicted. His previous lawyer told him the subpoena was invalid because the former Republican president had asserted executive privilege and the committee would not allow a Trump lawyer into the room.

In court papers, Bannon's lawyers also argued that there is a strong public interest in allowing him to remain free as the 2024 election approaches, because Bannon is a top adviser to Trump's campaign .

Bannon's prison sentence was delayed as he appealed. U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols ordered him to surrender after an appeals court upheld his contempt of congressional convictions.

A second Trump aide, trade adviser Peter Navarro, was also found guilty of contempt of Congress. He reported to prison in March to serve his four-month sentence after the Supreme Court refused his request to postpone the sentence.

The courts rejected his executive privilege argument, finding that Navarro could not prove that Trump actually invoked it.

Bannon also faces criminal charges in New York state court, alleging he deceived donors who gave money to build a wall along the U.S. southern border. Bannon has pleaded not guilty to money laundering, conspiracy, fraud and other charges, and that trial has been postponed until at least the end of September.




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