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Bilateral meeting Sheikh Hasina Narendra Modi | Hasina-Modi meets in Delhi today

Bilateral meeting Sheikh Hasina Narendra Modi |  Hasina-Modi meets in Delhi today


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Indian counterpart Narendra Modi will hold a bilateral meeting at the Hyderabad House in New Delhi today.

Hasina arrived in the Indian capital yesterday afternoon for a two-day state visit aimed at advancing bilateral relations.

The Indian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Kirti Vardhan Singh, welcomed her at the Indira Gandhi International Airport, reports our correspondent in New Delhi.

His visit comes after general elections in both countries this year. The Prime Minister along with several other international leaders attended the inauguration ceremony of Modi and his ministers on June 9.

In September last year, Hasina met the Indian Prime Minister on the sidelines of the G20 summit in New Delhi.

Diplomatic sources said nearly a dozen agreements and memorandums of understanding on areas of mutual cooperation, including regional connectivity, energy, economy and digital technology, were likely to be signed today .

Teesta river management project, border killings and Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement could be on the agenda of today's bilateral meeting between Bangladesh and India.

Before the formal meeting, the two prime ministers will meet face-to-face at the Hyderabad House.

Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud joined Hasina's entourage in New Delhi yesterday after performing hajj in Saudi Arabia.


During her meeting with Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar last evening, Hasina called for sustained dialogue between Bangladesh and India to exchange ideas and experiences to overcome challenges in their path towards economic development .

The Indian minister visited Hasina at the Taj Palace hotel in New Delhi, reports our correspondent in New Delhi.

Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Tofazzel Hossain Miah said the two leaders discussed the advancement of the partnership between the two countries.

“The two new governments [of India and Bangladesh] came to power with mandates [from people]. So both countries will have new visions,” he said.

The Indian minister said his country wanted to work with Bangladesh more substantively in the areas of logistics, energy and connectivity.

Hasina and Jaishankar agreed to strengthen BIMSTEC.

The Prime Minister highlighted the acceleration of ongoing development projects involving the two neighbors. Both leaders agreed on the issue.

On the Rohingya issue, the principal secretary said the border areas of Bangladesh and India are affected by the ongoing fighting between Myanmar government forces and rebel groups.

Prime Minister's Advisor on Private Industries and Investment Salman F Rahman and Foreign Minister Masud Bin Momen, among others, were present.

After the meeting, Jaishankar wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that Hasina's state visit to India highlights the “close and enduring” ties between Bangladesh and India, UNB reports.

“I am delighted to call on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh today [Friday] evening. We appreciate his advice on the further development of our special partnership,” he said.


Last night, in another meeting with a delegation of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Hasina appealed to Indian businessmen to invest in Bangladesh.

The Bangladesh government is prioritizing neighboring countries in trade, business and investment, Salman, advisor to the prime minister on private industry and investment, quoted Hasina as saying in a briefing with journalists after the meeting.

Hasina said Bangladesh was creating 100 special economic zones and Indian entrepreneurs could invest in them.

The CII team told Hasina that they, in collaboration with the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), are keen to work in the various sectors of Bangladesh including agriculture, IT and logistics.

He said Bangladeshi businessmen raised the issue of non-tariff barriers and urged the CII delegation to convince the Indian government to resolve this issue.

FBCCI President Mahbubul Alam, Nitol Niloy Group Chairman Abdul Matlub Ahmad, Pran RFL Group Chairman Ahsan Khan Chowdhury and other prominent Bangladeshi businessmen were also present.

Today morning, the red carpet will be rolled out for Hasina at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, where she will be formally received by Modi. She will also inspect the guard of honor there.

Hasina is expected to visit Raj Ghat to pay homage to the father of the Indian nation Mahatma Gandhi by placing a wreath on his Samadhi. She will sign the guestbook there.

The Prime Minister will attend a luncheon hosted by Modi at the Hyderabad House.

Hasina is expected to visit Indian President Droupadi Murmu and Vice President Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar.

The Prime Minister is expected to leave the Indian capital from Palam Airport at 6:00 p.m. (Delhi time) and reach Dhaka around 9:00 p.m.

Yesterday, Hasina took off from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport by a chartered flight of Biman Bangladesh Airlines at 2:00 p.m.




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