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Boris Johnson could earn 4 million thanks to Unleashed memoir

Boris Johnson could earn 4 million thanks to Unleashed memoir


Boris Johnson could earn up to €4 million from his memoir through additional publication payments as well as serialization and public appearance fees, insiders have said.

The former Prime Minister will take advantage of international interest in Unchainedreleased days after the Conservative Party conference in October, which promises to be an unvarnished, uncensored account of his political career.

Mr Johnson has already received an advance of €510,000 from publishers HarperCollins for the 592-page book, which is expected to deliver a no-holds-barred account of his turbulent tenure in Downing Street.

He could pocket millions more thanks to his forthright thoughts on controversies including his role in Brexit and the Partygate scandals.

A publishing insider with experience in political memoirs said: Boris could expect a similar sum up front for delivery of the manuscript, and then another installment on the day of publication. Delivering the manuscript is the hardest part of any deal with Boris, they have the courage to commit to a publication date of October 10th.

The text will require fact-checking and legal review, given Mr. Johnson's colorful writing style, before the book can be printed, the source added.

Mr Johnson has previously struggled with deadlines. A volume on William Shakespeare, for which he received an advance of 88,000 in 2015, has not yet been delivered, the more lucrative memoirs having priority. Former Downing Street adviser Dominic Cummings claimed Mr Johnson was working on Shakespeare's book when the pandemic first hit.

The October publication date was announced after Mr Johnson returned from a family holiday in Sardinia with his wife Carrie. He must return from another public holiday on July 3, the eve of the legislative elections.

It is unclear whether Mr Johnson will add a coda giving his verdict on the election result.

HarperCollins declined to confirm that the final manuscript had been received.

Newspaper serialization rights could also be worth around 100,000 euros, with the author taking the lion's share of the costs.

The daily mailwhich pays Mr. Johnson an annual fee of nearly 1 million for a weekly column, would be in pole position.

But The temperature, stable partner of publisher HarperCollinss News Corp, could also be interested. Serialization is expected to begin at the Conservative conference, potentially overshadowing the coronation of a new party leader.

The former Prime Minister's international reputation will ensure global interest in the book. New York-based conference agency Harry Walker, which previously paid Mr Johnson 2.5 million for a series of speeches, is fielding requests for new bookings.

Mr Johnson, who has earned more than €5 million since leaving office, was due to report from Washington DC on the US presidential election for GB News ahead of the November poll.

Although he is yet to begin his promised TV role, Mr Johnson may organize a book tour of the United States ahead of the US election. Mr. Johnson's description of his meetings with President Trump will likely be a talking point for the American public.

Mr. Johnson hopes to boost opening week sales by signing advance copies, which are already available to order.

Its fans can obtain a luxury limited edition in a slipcase, signed and numbered, with colored fabric binding, ribbon, head and tail bands for 100 copies.

The first target Mr Johnson must achieve is the 351,478 copies sold of Sir Tony Blair's memoirs in 2010. But if Unchained can come close to the 3.2 million sales achieved by Prince Harry SpareMr Johnson could expect more than a million royalty payments.

Political Library

Sir Tony donated his 4.6 million advance for his autobiography, along with all subsequent royalties, to the Royal British Legion charity. His new book, on leadership, is published in September.

David Cameron has signed an 800,000-copy deal worldwide for his memoir and donated royalties from sales of the hardcover's 25th edition to charity.

Liz Truss was paid 7,674.28 by British and American publishers as an advance for her post-Downing Street book, Ten years to save the West, which sold 5,242 copies. She is expected to record further payments if she returns as an MP next month.

Published on Super Thursday, the October date when around 1,000 new books hit the shelves before Christmas, Unchained faces serious competition for readers' attention.

Al Pacino's long-awaited memoir is released this week and a publication date is also expected soon for Serena Williams' bestselling life story.

Mr Johnson will also battle for bookstore notoriety with Rick Astley, whose autobiography Never comes out on October 10 and a new Christmas at Hogwarts JK Rowling gift edition.

The timing of the book's release, coinciding with the conference season, sparked speculation that it could herald a political comeback by Mr Johnson.

Absent from the campaign trail until now, the former prime minister has written letters and made campaign videos for some candidates, notably in the so-called Red Wall seats he is credited with helping win in 2019.

Mr Johnson could also consider selling the rights to a film adaptation of the book chronicling his turbulent political career.

Sky TV and Channel 4 have aired unflattering dramas about his handling of the Covid crisis and Mr Johnson may wish to pursue an authorized film or TV version.

Arabella Pike, publishing director at HarperCollins, said: Unlike most high-profile politicians, Boris Johnson is also a writer. His book Unchained is compulsively readable, filled to the brim with serious reflections on his tenure, but written with his charismatic wit, vivid use of language, and stories galore. We're excited to release this fall.

Mr Johnson said: “I am honored that HarperCollins is publishing my personal account of the huge realignment that has taken place in British politics over the last 15 years and what might lie ahead.

So wait until my thoughts on Britain's future explode into the publishing world like a well-shaken bottle of champagne.




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