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Ningxia urged to deepen reforms

Ningxia urged to deepen reforms


President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, visits a residential community in Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, on Wednesday afternoon. He learned how local-level Party organizations carry out their tasks, as well as the community's work to improve services to residents and facilitate exchanges and interactions between people of different ethnic groups. (XIE HUANCHI/XINHUA)

President Xi Jinping has stressed the importance of ecological conservation and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin by urging northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to deepen reforms in key areas in depending on local conditions.

He also encouraged Ningxia, a pivotal region along the ancient Silk Road, to actively participate in Belt and Road cooperation and the construction of the new land-sea international trade corridor in the Western region, to deepen economic and commercial cooperation with Arab countries and to help promote internal opening up.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks during a two-day fact-finding visit to the region starting Wednesday, after concluding his visit in Qinghai. province.

At a meeting in Yinchuan, the regional capital, on Thursday, Xi told local Party and government officials that ecological and environmental protection of the Yellow River, Helan Mountains, Liupan Mountains and Luoshan Mountains should be the baseline when Ningxia plans reform and development.

The Yellow River, the second longest river in China, also known as the cradle of Chinese civilization, flows east from Qinghai through nine provinces and autonomous regions before joining the Bohai Sea in Qinghai province. Shandong.

As the country's only provincial region located entirely within the Yellow River basin, Ningxia is surrounded by deserts on three sides and faces the daunting task of conserving and restoring ecosystems.

Xi said the region must implement the strictest system in water resources management and take crucial measures to combat desertification in areas near the meandering Yellow River, which is one of the three flagship projects in the country for the windbreak program in the North West and North. and northeast China.

He also called for coordinated efforts to preserve and restore ecosystems of forests, grasslands, wetlands and deserts to make Ningxia, known as “Jiangnan” (areas south of the Yangtze River known for their abundance and their magnificent landscapes) to the north”, a more beautiful country. place.

Highlighting Ningxia's unique geographical conditions and resources, Xi encouraged the region to pursue a differentiated industrial development path with specialized characteristics to build a modernized and competitive industrial system reflecting the region's advantages.

He also urged the region to accelerate efforts to promote the integration of culture and tourism and actively promote tourism with local characteristics.

Continuous efforts are needed to develop Ningxia's modern coal industry, as well as new materials and clean energy industries, while cultivating specialized industries such as wine and goji berries, Xi said.

As a major electricity supplier to eastern China, Ningxia is at the forefront of China's transition to clean and efficient use of coal, thanks to its abundant solar and wind resources.

By the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25), Ningxia's installed new energy capacity is expected to reach 55 million kilowatts, which could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 65 million tons per year, according to local authorities.

Noting that Ningxia consists of irrigated areas in the north and mountainous areas in the south, Xi said it is important to take into account the specific conditions in different places when planning industrial cooperation, so as to realize coordinated development across the region.




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