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Inside CNN's unprecedented telecast of the Biden-Trump debate


Any debate between the 2024 presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, is doomed to become a media circus. This one has a few extra acts.

Some of television's fiercest rivals will come together Thursday night at 9 p.m. and work toward something noble: ensuring that as many Americans as possible can see the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates explain their points. seen in a rare head-to-head contest.

The television channels that join forces to achieve this do not necessarily do so out of good will.

The June 27 debate is that of CNN. Fox News, ABC News, CBS News, NewsNation and NBC News are also among those carrying it, largely because the Warner Bros. channel. Discovery makes it available in the name of public service (and promotion), and that rivals are likely to do so. generate more viewers with it than without it. CNN's overall ratings have been on a downward trajectory under its parent company, and it is not presumptuous to predict that several of the networks broadcasting the debate on CNN will gain larger audiences than CNN itself.

In an age where it's difficult to attract large crowds in front of the television, there's no reason not to go with the flow.

CNN, of course, exploits this arrangement. To simulcast the event, competitors must make the network's signature red logo visible and cannot put their own presenters and correspondents on screen while the event is televised. Why take it? Well, the networks that pick up the feed are allowed to fill two scheduled three-and-a-half minute commercial breaks with their own commercials, not to mention their own programming before and after the event, if their sales staff can close some deals. (A person familiar with recent discussions says movie studios, political action committees and financial services companies are among those expressing interest).

This unusual media model is springing up around the debate, a direct result of the chaos that has engulfed the companies that produce the bulk of entertainment and information in the United States.

In another era, anyone who wanted to watch such a momentous news event would have tuned in to one of the three or four TV channels carrying it and expected a no-nonsense, mid-debate focus. In 2024, news aficionados will have a little of that, of course, but also many other things. A significant portion of the audience is likely to tune in via streaming or digital media, undoubtedly lining up the debate alongside interactive windows filled with social media discussions, sports scores or other videos. Viewers will expect the candidates to throw invectives at each other; make wild claims; and maybe even practice with the CNN moderators. They will also seek out analysts to put forward partisan opinions and comments, rather than always sticking to the available facts.

The appetite for such things has meant that the typical debate does not start. Between 1988 and 2020, the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates organized the process, appointing the moderators itself. However, modern politics has generated so much outrage that both Republicans and Democrats were eager to circumvent the organization their own parties had established in 1987, after several elections in which debates were organized by the League of Women Voters. .

We should have seen this coming. In 2020, Trump and Biden abandoned their final DPC debate in favor of dueling town halls. Biden spoke to ABC News, while NBC News counterprogrammed by sending an astute Savannah Guthrie to moderate Trump. Clearly, candidates and their campaigns prefer to play to their voters and avoid some of the hidden architecture of traditional debate logistics, which seek to limit some of the outbursts that have become inevitable in the age of social media (and often prove ineffective in doing so).

Rather than tuning into a single event per se, viewers will have the opportunity to create their own. They can choose specific pre-shows and post-mortems and, in most cases, watch commercials aimed at the target demographic of their television choice. On Thursday, June 27, television will offer something that will go down in the history books: a day when channels prefer to broadcast a rival's show, then personalize the experience that precedes and follows it with content from their own. specific design.

The trick these days is to position content related to the main event in multiple locations and hope to attract viewers who flock to one of them.

ABC News plans five hours of coverage spread across its own network and streaming services Hulu and ABC News Live. Fox News will preempt its sustainable prime-time schedule for the event, tapping Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum to co-host a one-hour pre-show at 8 p.m. and Sean Hannity to moderate a post-program. debate at 11 p.m. The Fox show The network will offer its own feed with “Fox News Sunday” anchor Shannon Bream.

CBS News will air Norah O'Donnell starting at 8 p.m. and will offer post-show analysis that affiliates can use in place of local news that might normally be broadcast. The Paramount Global outlet will also offer several hours of programming through its live streaming service. Chris Cuomo will speak before and after the debate on NewsNation.

NBC, which arguably operates the widest array of news channels, will compete for attention with all of them. The network will present pre-event coverage on NBC News Now, its live streaming hub, with Tom Llamas, Hallie Jackson and Kristen Welker, which will continue after the debate ends. On NBC, Lester Holt and Savannah Guthrie will lead the post-debate analysis. Meanwhile, Rachel Maddow will anchor MSNBC's 7 p.m. coverage before the debate, reappearing after it ends and staying on air until 1 a.m., when MSNBC will rebroadcast CNN's big event.

In this environment, it will be up to the viewer, the potential voter, to make the most of this whole thing. Networks and candidates won't make this so easy.




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