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Keir Starmer reveals how he 'set a trap' for Boris Johnson over Partygate scandal | Political news

Keir Starmer reveals how he 'set a trap' for Boris Johnson over Partygate scandal |  Political news


Sir Keir Starmer said he always suspected Boris Johnson's relationship with the truth would “bring him down” – revealing how he “laid a trap” for the ex-PM over the partygate scandal.

In an interview with The Guardian, the Labor leader said he “didn't care” about the insults Mr Johnson had thrown at him over the shipping box, including when the then Prime Minister had called it a “useless human terminal”.

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"I'm not saying I have great insight, but I thought his temper would depress him," he told the newspaper.

“I thought there was a guy detached from the truth. Whether he lies or not, it doesn't matter to him.”

Sir Keir then explained the specific way in which he had “laid a trap” for Mr Johnson to surprise him over the Downing Street party scandal, according to The Guardian.

Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer speaking during a BBC Question Time Leaders special in York.  Photo date: Thursday June 20, 2024. PA photo.  See AP POLITICS Election story.  Photo credit should read: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire
Photo: PA

He said: “When I first asked him, 'Have you followed all the rules?' » I hadn't seen Allegra's video [Stratton, then director of strategic communications].

“But she was told she laughed when asked, 'What do we say about the holidays?' So I said [to my team], 'I think there's something here. Let's record it. Because his instinct will be to lie.

The former Director of Public Prosecutions added: “It was a thread we pulled for months. I was less bothered by what he was telling me than trying to be a forensic scientist and get him on the record. file. It finally paid off. He had to leave Parliament – because he lied.

Ms. Stratton resigned in December 2021 on a video that showed her laughing at a Downing Street Christmas party, which took place while London was under strict COVID restrictions.

Allegra Stratton speaking outside her home in north London, where she announced she had resigned as adviser to Boris Johnson and proposed to him
Allegra Stratton in December 2021. Photo: PA

Mr Johnson held out for another seven months, narrowly surviving a motion of no confidence triggered by outrage within his party over reports of repeated rule-breaking at Downing Street.

Mr Johnson, his wife Carrie and then Chancellor Rishi Sunak were among 83 people fined for lockdown-breaking events at Downing Street during the pandemic, as the country lived under strict social distancing restrictions.

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The scandal meant Mr Johnson was on ice by the time the Chris Pincher affair emerged – triggering a wave of mass resignations that ultimately brought him down.

It later emerged that Mr Johnson had MPs were “deliberately” misled on the partygate scandal by a Commons inquiry – a decision which led to leave Parliament completely, claiming he had been the victim of a “witch hunt”.

The former Conservative leader has always denied misleading his party colleagues, insisting that when he said “all the rules had been followed” that was what he believed to be true at the time. 'era.




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