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Defying ban and raids, PTI mobilizes for Imran's release – Pakistan


LAHORE/ISLAMABAD: The PTI on Friday staged protests in parts of Punjab for the release of incarcerated leader Imran Khan, even as the Punjab government had imposed Section 144 of the CrPC banning rallies and sit-ins for seven days and that police raided the homes of party leaders.

Punjab Police began the day by resuming raids on homes and offices of PTI leaders in Lahore and other districts as the PTI had announced protests across the country.

Raiding groups reportedly destroyed furniture and other items in the homes of party leaders and workers, who shared reports of looting on social media.

Defying the ban, PTI leaders and workers took to the streets in several cities of Punjab. Waving party flags, banners and placards, they chanted slogans demanding the release of Imran Khan.

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In Lahore, they held rallies in PP-163, PP-174 and NA-129 constituencies. PTI Punjab general secretary Hammad Azhar said people had defied the ban.

NA-129 Lahore is once again defying de facto martial law and illegal curfew in Punjab, he tweeted.

Similarly, large rallies were organized in Sheikhupura, Faisalabad, Okara, Jhang, Burewala, Khanewal, Zafarwal, Vehari and other areas.

According to Interior Minister Noorul Amin Mengal, Section 144 was imposed due to deteriorating public order and security threats as any gathering was likely to be an easy target for terrorists.

Police raided Chaudhry Mudassars' residence in Lahore and arrested his brother Chaudhry Mubeen, a lawyer. Similarly, Chaudhry Nazir, Malik Allah Din, Malik Khawar and other workers were arrested in Rawalpindi. Arrests were also reported in Sahiwal and Okara.

Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly and senior PTI leader Omar Ayub said Section 144 was imposed to sabotage the party's call for protests.

The party urged the Chief Justice of Pakistan to seek clarification from the Punjab Chief Minister, Home Minister and Secretary on the imposition of Section 144.

According to a social media post, a motorcycle rally was also held in Rawalpindi.

Islamabad PTI chief Amir Mughal, while speaking to Dawn, said that he and Shoaib Shaheen were holding a protest in Bahria Enclave when police arrived there and arrested around a dozen workers, adding that he and Mr. Shaheen had managed to escape.

Meanwhile, the party spokesperson said in a statement that by imposing Section 144, the government had deprived people of their fundamental rights.

The government has been violating the constitution for two years and there is a law of the jungle in Pakistan. There can be no excuse for keeping Imran Khan behind bars in false and fabricated cases. It is the right of the people to protest and the party has decided to hold peaceful protests, he said.

PTI Central Information Secretary Raoof Hasan condemned what he termed as a shameful act by the entire Form 47 criminal government.

Meanwhile, a citizen, Malik Najibullah, filed a complaint in the Lahore High Court against the implementation of Section 144.

According to the petition, the Interior Ministry banned public gatherings without exercising judicial spirit and without taking into consideration the fact that political gatherings cannot be curtailed by the imposition of Section 144.

In another move, the PTI, while reacting to a recent interview of former Sindh Governor Muhammad Zubair, demanded that former army chief, retired General Qamar Bajwa, be held accountable for the derails the elected and constitutional government of Imran Khan.

Wajih Ahmad Sheikh in Lahore also contributed to this report

Published in Dawn, June 22, 2024




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