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Trump campaign expands operations in Minnesota, Virginia with opening of 'Trump Force 47' field offices


Former President Trump is making a bold move into two states once considered blue, opening a total of 19 field offices in Virginia and Minnesota with less than five months until the 2024 presidential election.

The Trump campaign confirmed to Fox News that it is expanding its operations in the two states that reliably voted Democratic in recent presidential elections. The Trump campaign is in the process of securing leases for eight Trump Force 47 field offices in Minnesota and 11 others in Virginia, according to a Trump campaign memo obtained by Fox News on Friday.

Staff have already been hired to run each state, and the campaign is currently working to build teams to work in each field office in support of the former president.


Former President Trump takes the stage to deliver the keynote address at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority policy conference at the Washington Hilton on June 22, 2024, in Washington, DC (Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

In its memo, the campaign notes that “collateral equipment will land in early July in both states, and we have already begun recruiting Trump Force 47 captains to train in training.”

The Trump campaign, which views Minnesota and Virginia as competitive in the upcoming elections, aims to flip both states by pushing to expand the 2024 electoral map.

At a closed-door Republican National Committee retreat for top donors in early spring at a resort in Palm Beach, Fla., Trump campaign senior advisers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, along with the Veteran investigator Tony Fabrizio has highlighted internal investigations suggesting both “Minnesota and Virginia.” are clearly at stake.”

“In both states, Donald Trump is in a position to overturn key electoral votes in his favor,” underlines the investigation, shared with Fox News.

It's been two decades since a Republican carried Virginia in the race for the White House, the last time being when then-President George W. Bush won the commonwealth in his 2004 reelection bid. .

But recent polls indicate a close contest in Virginia.

Trump within striking distance of Biden in competitive blue-leaning state: poll

Former President Trump speaks at a “Get Out the Vote” rally in Richmond, Virginia, March 2, 2024. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

A Fox News poll conducted June 1-4 indicates that the Democratic president and his Republican predecessor in the White House each obtain 48% support in a head-to-head matchup.

No Republican has won Minnesota in a presidential election since President Richard Nixon's landslide re-election in 1972, more than a half-century ago. It was the only state that President Reagan lost in his landslide re-election in 1984.

But a recent poll in Minnesota showed a competitive race between Biden and Trump in their 2024 election rematch. The president has 45% support among likely voters in Minnesota, while Trump gets 41% in a poll taken from June 3-5 for the Star Tribune, MPR News and KARE 11.

Trump was narrowly edged out in Minnesota in the 2016 election by 1.5 points to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. But four years later, Biden carried the state by seven points, defeating Trump and winning the White House.

Former President Trump speaks at the annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner hosted by the Republican Party of Minnesota on May 17, 2024 in St. Paul. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

“We're going to win this state,” Trump predicted last month in a speech as he headlined the state Republican Party's annual Lincoln Reagan fundraising dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota's capital.

The poll highlighted a significant enthusiasm gap, with 63% of Trump supporters saying they were “very enthusiastic” about voting for their candidate, compared to 31% of voters supporting the president.


In a statement to Fox News Digital about the Trump campaign's expansion efforts, a spokesperson for President Biden's reelection campaign said, “If Trump wants to spend his time and money trying to campaign in blue states, be our guest. »

Biden's campaign also highlighted the work it is doing in both states, saying it has a “seasoned team of operatives leading its campaign in Minnesota” and that it “has opened six offices across the Virginie, and more are on the way in the coming weeks.”

Kyle Morris covers politics for Fox News. Story tips can be sent via email and X: @RealKyleMorris.




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