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Why is Donald Trump obsessed with Tic Tacs?

Why is Donald Trump obsessed with Tic Tacs?


In covering Donald Trump's various speeches in recent weeks, it seems to me that every time I go to Getty Images to take photos of the man, there are dozens of them showing him on the podium, holding a container of Tic Tacs in each hand. It took me a while to land here, of course, but that very day I began to wonder: Why does the former president seem obsessed with the sweet treat that my farmer grandfather kept in his shirt pocket? It turns out the answer is simple. The man loves accessories.

A deep dive into Trump + Tic Tacs on Google turns up results dating back to 2019, with a Washington Post article detailing that he gave his housekeepers strict instructions to dispose of “exactly two full containers and one half-full container “. in his bedroom office” daily.

Then-White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham issued a statement disputing this, saying: “The claims made for this story are not only false, they are a disgusting attempt to invade the privacy of the First Family. » But there must be something in there because he's always out there saying these things.

In May, during a speech in Minnesota, Trump introduced his Tic Tacs to the world, using them to illustrate how he feels Biden is doing poorly on inflation and that he is doing it right.

“Biden blamed his economic disaster on companies downsizing their Snickers bars. Can you believe that?” he said, digging in his pockets. “But you know, it's funny. I don't know if you can see it there. Does anyone have good eyes there? I just got this today. Anyone gave it to me, and not as a joke.”

Here, he produces a tiny container of Tic Tacs for the crowd.

“Look at the size of this sucker. It's called Biden Tic Tacs. It's inflation.”

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On Saturday, Trump deployed his candy routine again — since it went so well the first time — by brandishing his little Tacs during a speech to Christian conservative voters at a Faith & Freedom conference Coalition in Washington DC.

At this point, it's questionable whether they'll make an appearance at Thursday's presidential debate. It's easy to imagine Biden reacting to the props with something like: “Stop shaking those things at me, Jack.” »

But, as with everything he does, his supporters agree with Tacs-talk. Tacs accessories. And whatever else Trump has in his pockets.

“MAKE TICKS BIG AGAIN,” tweeted @TrumpMAGADONIAN after Trump's speech today, where he causally discussed how there would be no need to vote at all in four years.

Going back even further in time, we're reminded that Tic Tacs were present during Trump's “locker room” comment, where he talked about making a move on “Days of Our Lives” star Arianne Zucker , to Access Hollywood host Billy Bush, saying, “I have to use Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know, I'm automatically attracted to beautiful girls – I just start kissing them . It's like a magnet. Kiss you.

To this, the candy company released a statement saying: “Tic Tac respects all women. We find the recent statements and behavior completely inappropriate and unacceptable. »

“He thinks that because he has a mouthful of Tic Tacs, he can force himself on any woman within groping distance,” Elizabeth Warren said in 2016, commenting on the above.

Marketing campaigns have been built and broken on such things. But at least it's not Milk Duds. Can you imagine?

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