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Donald Trump told UFC's Dana White he should start an anti-immigrant league


Speaking to the conservative Faith and Freedom Coalition conference, Donald Trump said Saturday that he suggested UFC chief Dana White create a “migrant fighter league.”

“I said, Dana, I have an idea,” the former president began. “Why don't you create a league of migrant fighters, and you don't have your regular league of fighters, and then you have the champion of your league, it's the greatest fighters in the world fighting the champion of migrants ? I think the migrant could win! That’s how tough they are.

Watch the video of the moment here:

Although Trump and White have been longtime friends (as White explained in a recent interview with TheWrap, in which he talked about how they “broke up” together), the UFC leader wasn't disagree with Trump's suggestion, according to the Republican candidate.

“He didn't really like that idea, but actually, it's not the worst idea I've ever had,” Trump concluded, to cheers and appreciative laughter from the crowd.

Trump used the story to highlight his continued criticism of the lack of immigration enforcement at the border, as well as the many undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States. Elsewhere in his speech, he talked about immigrants coming to this country from “prisons” and “mental institutions,” as he has before.

He moved from talking about undocumented immigrants to one of his best-known references to “Silence of the Lambs” and the cannibalistic serial killer character Hannibal Lecter. Trump also removed the “S” from the film's name, twice referring to it as “The Silence of the Lamb.”

“Every time I say 'Silence of the Lamb,' the fake news out there, they say, oh, he's talking about the Silence of the Lamb. And I say, “The late, great Hannibal Lecter,” “Oh, he loves Hannibal Lecter!” No, they’re crazy,” Trump said.

Trump: Every time I say the Silence of the Lamb, they say oh, he's talking about the Silence of the Lamb. I say the late great Hannibal Lecter, they say oh he loves Hannibal Lecter

– Acyn (@Acyn) June 22, 2024

The candidate's argument appears to be that he has joked about Lecter in previous speeches and that the media has overemphasized those comments. He then joked mocking Biden's alleged mental confusion, noting that he had intentionally wandered into a wall during speeches to mock Biden, but stopped doing so because people were taking that out of place. their context.

However, Trump later defended the claim by the New York Post and other media outlets that Biden had to be chased off the stage by former President Barack Obama at a recent fundraiser in Los Angeles. Jimmy Kimmel, who hosted the event, as well as the White House and TheWrap reporter present at the event, took issue with the conservative characterization of the moment.

New Jersey Rep. Bill Pascrell, a Democrat, is among those who have drawn attention to Trump's suggestion of an anti-migrant league. The congressman subtly noted: “Speaking at a Christian conference today, convicted felon Donald Trump mulled creating a professional migrant fight league. »

Democratic strategist Adam Parkhomenko wrote on social media about Trump's comments: “This is some really sick bullshit and in itself should be disqualifying.” »

You can read reporter Aaron Rupar's social media video coverage of Trump's Faith and Freedom Coalition speech in this thread on X and watch the full speech here:

The post Donald Trump told UFC's Dana White he should start an anti-immigrant league | The video appeared first on TheWrap.




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