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China confirms cooperation with Iraq in Belt and Road Initiatives and Development Road

China confirms cooperation with Iraq in Belt and Road Initiatives and Development Road



Shafaq News/Chinese Ambassador to Iraq Cui Wei confirmed on Sunday that China is collaborating with Iraq on the Belt and Road Initiative and the development road project.

Launched in 2015, China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) encompasses around a thousand projects, aiming to connect Eurasian countries with around seventy countries along the route, including key countries in the Middle East. . This network includes roads, railways, air routes, pipelines and Internet connections.

Meanwhile, Turkey, Iraq, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates recently launched a new trade route linking the Gulf to Europe. Named Development Road, this corridor is the latest regional economic initiative after China's BRI and the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor.

The project, finalized during Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Baghdad on April 22, is expected to cost $20 billion, with significant financial support from Doha and Abu Dhabi.

As Iraq begins building the al-Faw port, which will serve as a link between East Asia and Europe, countries are preparing to establish rail links with Iraq. In both initiatives, Iraq is expected to serve as a transit corridor, although some economic experts have expressed concerns about its impact on a promising southern port.

Chinese Ambassador Cui Wei told Shafaq News Agency: “The Belt and Road Initiative is not just about building tangible roads, but is a cooperation initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013. It focuses on policy coordination, infrastructure connectivity, trade links, financial integration, and people-to-people connections. »

He added: “A decade after its launch, it has become a high-quality public good. The international cooperation platform initiated by China saw the participation of many global partners. To date, more than three-quarters of the world's countries and major international organizations. joined the Belt and Road cooperation network, extending its reach to Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America.

“In 2015, China and Iraq signed a cooperation document on the construction of the Belt and Road, making Iraq an important partner in this initiative. The two countries have achieved fruitful cooperation in the fields of energy, electricity, infrastructure and telecommunications.”

Ambassador Cui highlighted China's commitment to strengthening Belt and Road cooperation with all partners, including Iraq, adhering to the principles of consultation, cooperation and shared benefits. He stressed the importance of strengthening connectivity and comprehensive exchanges and cooperation at multiple levels, to provide greater impetus to global peace and development.

He noted: “The Road to Development is a strategic project launched by the Iraqi government and supported by China, aimed at improving infrastructure and boosting economic development.”

Cui explained that the Belt and Road Initiative and the Development Road project have similar concepts, and China wants to align the two projects within a framework of high-quality cooperation.

He affirmed that “Beijing is advancing the China-Iraq strategic partnership towards new achievements,” adding that “the Chinese side supports Chinese companies in exploring cooperation opportunities with Iraq, focusing on models of detailed cooperation, and is willing to discuss the linkage of the Development Road with the Belt and Road Initiative.




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