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ECP had a job and failed to achieve it: PTI – Pakistan

ECP had a job and failed to achieve it: PTI – Pakistan


Party lawmakers march from NA to ECP office and demand resignation of CEC. Asad claims that the situation of May 9 was created deliberately, asserts that no negotiations are underway with the government. Raoof urges the CJP to take note of Zubair's claims that Bajwa derailed the PTI government.

ISLAMABAD: PTI parliamentarians on Saturday marched from the National Assembly to the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) office, criticizing the election body for allegedly failing to hold free and fair elections and calling for the resignation of the election commissioner Chief and other ECP officials.

Speaking to the media, Opposition Leader in the National Assembly, Omar Ayub, asserted that the ECP had only one task: to organize free and fair elections, a task he asserted that the organization had failed to accomplish.

We demand the resignation of the CEC and other members as they failed to even utilize the budget allocated for the elections, Mr Ayub said.

Former National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser alleged that a situation was deliberately created on May 9 last year to launch operations against the PTI.

He said that despite the PTI founding presidents' approval for negotiations with the government, no negotiations were taking place. He also lamented that the PTI's voice was not heard in parliament.

Lawyer Gohar Khan, PTI president, highlighted the challenges facing the opposition, including allegations of obstruction in courts and the continued detention of former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

MP Zartaj Gul said it was unfortunate that his voice was being ignored in Parliament.

Commission sought following Zubair interview

Meanwhile, PTI leader Raoof Hasan urged the Chief Justice of Pakistan to take suo motu an interview with former Sindh Governor Muhammad Zubair.

In the interview, Mr. Zubair alleged that retired General Qamar Javed Bajwa was behind a conspiracy to derail the PTI government.

Mr. Hasan called for the formation of a judicial commission to investigate the allegations, noting that Imran Khan had made similar claims. He criticized Mr. Bajwa, accusing him of violating his oath to remain apolitical.

He also questioned the legitimacy of statements made by a federal minister suggesting the public wanted Imran Khan jailed for five years, saying Mr Khan had secured a two-thirds majority in the February 8 general election.

Mr. Hasan also condemned the imposition of Section 144 of an emergency law that bans rallies in Punjab, alleging that it was a tactic to prevent the PTI from protesting.

Published in Dawn, June 23, 2024




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