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Here's a look at Trump's vice presidential shortlist

Here's a look at Trump's vice presidential shortlist


NEW YORK (AP) Donald Trump has narrowed his list of vice presidential candidates to a handful of contenders as he prepares to announce his choice in the days leading up to or perhaps even at this month's Republican National Convention next.

He told reporters Saturday that he had already made up his mind and that person would be present Thursday night in Atlanta for the first debate of the general election campaign against Democratic President Joe Biden.

Trump's pick would likely become the immediate front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination in four years if Trump wins a second term, the constitutional limit. But this No. 2 will be under immense pressure from Trump and his allies to demonstrate loyalty at all times.

Trump turned on his first vice president, Mike Pence, after he rebuffed his boss's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, based on false theories promoted by the then-president after his defeat against Biden.

This time around, Pence refused to support Trump.

Trump said his main concern for a vice president was whether someone was qualified to serve as commander in chief.

But other factors come into play: who can raise money? Who performs well on television? Who will be most effective on the debate stage against Vice President Kamala Harris? Who risks overshadowing Trump, like a lame duck if he is elected in November, by talking about 2028 soon? And who has this look?

What you need to know about the 2024 elections

The Trump campaign has repeatedly warned that anyone who claims to know who or when President Trump will choose his vice president is lying, unless that person is named Donald J. Trump.

And given Trump's penchant for unpredictability and drama, the best-laid plans could change.

A look at the main contenders at the Milwaukee convention which begins July 15.

Trump likes rich people. The two-term governor of North Dakota is undoubtedly wealthy.

Prior to his tenure as governor, Burgum led a software company acquired by Microsoft for more than $1 billion. He also worked in real estate development and venture capital and spent millions on his own White House bid.

Burgum initially ran against Trump for the 2024 nomination, but the little-known governor of a sparsely populated state had little success. When Burgum dropped his candidacy, he quickly endorsed the former president. Since then, Burgum has become one of Trump's most visible defenders, frequently appearing on television, joining him at fundraisers and traveling to New York for Trump's criminal trial.

But more than that, Trump and Burgum got along personally.

Burgum and his wife, Kathryn, reportedly get along particularly well with Trump and his team, the kind of relationship that has particular importance in Trump's orbit. It doesn't hurt that Trump thinks Burgum seems like a central choice for casting.

Choosing Burgum would, in some ways, echo Pence: a calm, uncontroversial governor whose name is less nationally recognized. Burgum, 67, is unlikely to compete with Trump for attention or immediately eclipse him with talk of 2028.

Burgum also brings money and wealthy friends to the table.

But does the Republican Party want two older white men at the top of its ticket?

Propelled to the national spotlight thanks to his bestselling memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, Vance has held office for less than two years. But during his brief stint in the Senate, the former Ohio venture capitalist established himself as one of the strongest defenders of Trump's Make America Great Again agenda, particularly on foreign policy, trade and immigration.

Despite his early criticism of Trump, Vance became personally close to the former president and his son Donald Trump Jr., who criticized the senator. Vance has become a fixture on the conservative media circuit, frequently arguing with reporters on Capitol Hill and appearing alongside Trump at recent fundraisers and in court.

At 39, Vance would inject some millennial energy into a race that features an 81-year-old (Biden) and a 78-year-old (Trump) at the top of the major party lists. And a debate with Harris would certainly be heated.

But will Trump be able to overcome Vance's record of past insults, which he still mentions?

In 2016, Vance was one of Trump's fiercest critics, calling the then-reality TV star a complete fraud and moral disaster and calling him America's Hitler.

Vance said Trump's performance in office proved him wrong and the senator is now lambasting liberals who made his book a bestseller when they sought a window into understanding Trumpism.

If Vance's choice excites Trump's base, the Florida senator's choice could increase the tickets' appeal, particularly among deep-pocketed donors and more conservative and moderate Republicans put off by Trump's rhetoric and extremism. Trump.

Rubio, once considered a spearhead of the Republican Party, is now a highly respected voice on foreign policy and national security issues within his party. The son of Cuban immigrants, he speaks Spanish and could help Trump win over the Hispanic voters his campaign is eagerly courting.

Rubio is also considered a skilled debater who could hold his own against Harris.

Running alongside Trump might once have seemed an unlikely possibility, given that the two were bitter rivals in 2016 for the GOP nomination and had viciously attacked each other. Trump belittled Rubio as Little Marco, made fun of him for drinking water during his speeches, and called him a nervous freak, which was disgusting. Rubio said Trump was a crook who tried to defraud the Republican Party and Rubio tried to question Trump's manhood.

You know what they say about men with small hands, Rubio joked at one point during this campaign.

But there is also the problem of Rubios Florida, as Trump called it.

The Constitution says two candidates from the same state cannot run for president and vice president, meaning Rubio would have to change his residence, which he would be willing to do.

But does he really want this job? Rubio has been noticeably less publicly present than some of Trump's other contenders for No. 2 and did not appear with Trump at his criminal trial.

The only black Republican in the Senate, the South Carolinian would bring racial and stylistic diversity to the GOP ticket as well as a preacher's touch. The self-described born-again believer often cites Scripture in political speeches that often reach a crescendo of call and response.

Scott and Trump worked closely while Trump was in the White House on a host of policy issues, including the Trump tax cuts, opportunity zones and criminal justice reform legislation.

Although Scott ran against Trump for the nomination this year, the senator has largely refused to criticize the former president. After failing to gain traction despite millions spent on his behalf by high-profile donors, Scott endorsed Trump over fellow South Carolinian Nikki Haley, Trump's U.N. ambassador, and immediately began making campaigned enthusiastically in New Hampshire and South Carolina on behalf of Trump.

He continues to make frequent television appearances and recently launched a $14 million campaign to win over minority voters in seven key states.

Trump often joked that Scott was a much better surrogate than a candidate.

But it also raised questions about how Scott might behave in a debate with Harris later this year.

The only woman on his shortlist, the New York congresswoman could help Trump win over skeptical college-educated and suburban women who sided with Biden in 2020.

Stefanik was once an aide to former House Speaker Paul Ryan and served in President George W. Bush's White House, working for two Republicans now shunned by Trump loyalists. But over Trump's four years in office, she transformed into a full-fledged Trump acolyte.

She vigorously defended him during his two impeachment trials and denounced his criminal charges. In 2022, Stefanik was the first member of the House Republican leadership to support Trump's campaign, even before announcing it.

She saw her notoriety rise after her aggressive questioning in December of a trio of university presidents over anti-Semitism on campus, which led to two of their resignations. Trump has repeatedly praised this performance.

Stefanik spent years currying favor with Trump and positioning herself as one of his most trusted allies and confidants on Capitol Hill.

But as an MP, does she have enough experience?

Relationships and trust matter to Trump. Carson, who served as secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Trump administration, developed a strong bond with the former president over the years, despite a controversial start as a rival in 2016.

Carson, 72, a renowned, soft-spoken former neurosurgeon, could help Trump win over minority voters as the first black person to be named to a Republican presidential ticket. Given Carson's age and demeanor, there is little chance he will overshadow Trump or steal the spotlight.

But Carson also has a history of controversial comments on abortion, guns and other issues that could cause headaches for the ticket.

The Florida congressman has become one of Trump's most prominent black conservative supporters and a reliable surrogate on television and at events.

His selection could help boost Trump's appeal among black voters, particularly young black men the campaign is courting as it tries to eat away at Biden's 2020 coalition.

At 45, Donalds is also the kind of new face who would stand in stark contrast to the leading men in both parties.

But like Rubio, Donalds will likely have to move to join the ticket. And he, too, has a history of controversial statements, including at a recent Congressional, Cognac and Cigars event in Philadelphia, where he appeared to reflect favorably on the Jim Crow era when speaking about the reinvigoration of the Black family.

You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together. During Jim Crow, more black people were not only conservative, black people have always been conservative, but more black people voted conservatively, Donalds said, according to an audio recording from the Philadelphia Inquirer.




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