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Trkiye plays key role in choosing new NATO chief

Trkiye plays key role in choosing new NATO chief


Trkiye, which has NATO's second-largest army, played an important role in determining the position of secretary general, the alliance's top position.

Ankara, appreciated for the vision it put forward in diplomatic matters, carefully scrutinized the candidates for the post of secretary general, according to an article in the Sabah newspaper. Ultimately, Trkiye supported Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte for the position for the next five years. Rutte's name is expected to be announced at the NATO leaders' summit in Washington from July 9-11, which coincides with NATO's 75th anniversary. President Recep Tayyip Erdoan will attend the summit.

Trkiye questioned Rutte's stance on the fight against terrorism, sanctions against Turkey's defense industry and the alliance's relationship with the European Union, which have long blocked Trkiye's membership bid.

Rutte met Erdoan in April in Istanbul as he sought his support. NATO's southern wing needs Trkiye and its leaders, Rutte said at a joint press conference with Erdoan after their meeting.

Trkiye is a geopolitical actor with significant influence in the region. They are working to help end the war in Gaza. They are also making efforts regarding the horrible war in Ukraine, Rutte noted.

Erdoan, for his part, assured that Trkiyes' decision would be part of strategic wisdom and fairness towards the new NATO leader.

For Trkiye, the fight against terrorism largely includes the fight against the PKK and its offshoots, a terrorist group that has waged a bloody campaign against the Turkish state since the 1980s, killing more than 40,000 people. It is recognized as a terrorist group in Trkiye, the United States and the European Union.

Ankara often condemns relations between the terrorist group and some NATO members as unacceptable, posing a threat to member states as well as the spirit of alliance. Among these members is the United States, which openly supports the Syrian wing of the PKK by delivering military equipment, under the guise of fighting Daesh in Syria.

Trkiye refused to ratify Sweden and Finland's membership applications for more than a year until the Nordic countries met Turkish demands, including tougher measures against terrorist groups.

Ankara praised the position of Rutte's predecessor, Jens Stoltenberg, who served as secretary general for 10 years, with the latter emphasizing that Trkiye, among NATO allies, suffered the most from terrorism. Stoltenberg also opposed defense sanctions targeting Trkiye. Trkiye faced US sanctions after purchasing S-400 missile systems from Russia. The sanctions bar U.S. export licenses and authorizations for a defense conglomerate overseen by the Trkiyes Defense Industries Presidency (SSB).

Rutte's position on NATO-European Union relations was also an important issue for Ankara, with Trkiye emphasizing that the EU is a political alliance and NATO a military alliance.

Rutte won the race to become NATO's next leader last Thursday at a pivotal moment for the alliance after the withdrawal of the only challenger, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis.

The veteran politician, aged 57, is expected to take office when current leader Jens Stoltenberg's term ends on October 1.

A difficult job for Rutte

Rutte will arrive at a perilous time for the Western alliance, as Russia's war in Ukraine drags on and Donald Trump fights to win back the U.S. presidency in November. Having claimed the NATO post following the collapse of his coalition, Rutte, a staunch supporter of Ukraine, quickly won support from the United States, Britain, France and the Germany.

But he had to use all the diplomatic skills acquired during nearly 14 years at the head of the Netherlands to convince the recalcitrants led by Trkiye and Hungary. Rutte overcame Turkish reluctance with a visit to Istanbul in April, before finally striking a deal with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at a European Union summit last week. There remained the last sticking point: Iohannis, whose surprise candidacy had ruffled the feathers of the allies, was banking on a smooth nomination for Rutte before the NATO summit in Washington next month. Romania's Security Council announced Thursday that Iohannis had officially stepped down and that the country supported Rutte.

“It took a long time,” Rutte joked to public broadcaster NOS. “It’s a complicated process, but it seems to be going well.” Rutte will have a lot on his plate when he takes the reins from former Norwegian Prime Minister Stoltenberg, who led the alliance since 2014. Just weeks into his four-year term, the United States will have to choose between President incumbent Joe Biden and Trump. as president. The prospect of Trump returning to the Oval Office has raised concerns among allies that he could weaken Washington's role as the ultimate guarantor of Europe's security.

Trump fueled these fears on the campaign trail by saying he would encourage Russia to attack NATO countries that were not spending enough on their own defense.

Like Stoltenberg, Rutte was applauded for his careful handling of Trump during his first term in office, when the former reality TV star reportedly even considered withdrawing the United States from NATO. “I think Mark Rutte is a very strong candidate,” Stoltenberg said last Tuesday in Washington. “He has a lot of experience as prime minister. He is a close friend and colleague.”

To the east of NATO, Rutte will face a much more pressing threat from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kremlin forces are currently on the front lines in Ukraine after more than two years of conflict, and the NATO chief will play a key role in mobilizing aid from Ukraine's weary backers. At the same time, he will need to ensure that the alliance is ready to defend itself against any possible future attacks from Russia. Part of that will involve getting European allies to spend more on defense, a key demand of Trump and other U.S. leaders.

Alongside Ukraine, the biggest challenge will be “ensuring that defense spending remains high in Europe… given the world we live in”, Rutte said.

Last week, NATO announced that 23 of its 32 member nations had met the alliance's goal of spending 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense.

Nicknamed “Teflon Mark” for his ability to stay in power in the Netherlands for so long, Rutte will become the fourth Dutchman to lead NATO since it rose from the ashes of World War II to confront the Soviet Union.

The conservative cyclist has put his country's economic weight behind Ukraine after Russia's 2022 invasion, leading efforts to deliver F-16 fighter jets to kyiv. While NATO countries on the alliance's eastern flank had lobbied for one of their own to get the NATO job, Rutte's supporters insist he is fully aware of the threat posed by Russia.

The Sabah Daily News Bulletin

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