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Military officers must be consistent

Military officers must be consistent


Some Republic of China (ROC) theorists in Taiwan cling to the national title, which was abandoned by the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. They do not realize that it is the Chinese Communist Party ( PCC). which ended the rule of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) party-state in China, while departing from the political line of former President Chiang Kai-shek () and his son Chiang Ching-kuo () , who hated the communists the most.

After the defeat of former Vice President Lien Chan () in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, he led a visiting KMT delegation to China, where he was nicknamed Grandpa Lien () by a group of children at a reception. At the end of his presidency, President Ma Ying-jeou () met with Chinese President Xi Jinping () in Singapore in 2015.

Following their footsteps, some members of the KMT, government, military and intelligence agencies began to go to China one after another and treat the Republic of China and Taiwan as nothing. After the second Ma-Xi meeting recently, what is the future of one-China theorists in Taiwan?

What greatly contradicted the anti-communist dogma of the two Chiangs were the retired generals, who claimed to be alumni of the Whampoa Military Academy, which was renamed the Republic of China Military Academy after moving to Taiwan in 1950. D Following television news reports, they were lined up to listen to Xi's sacred teachings at China's Whampoa centenary celebration. These retired anti-CCP generals have neither military spirit nor martial ethics. They shamelessly made Taiwan lose face and would have been beheaded under the rule of the two Presidents Chiang.

The crises on the path of Taiwan's national reconstruction are characterized by the internal crisis of the reactionary feudal nature of Taiwan's Mandarin education in the process of cultivating Taiwanese people, and the external crisis of retired generals who do not know not what the country is, whose military spirit, martial virtues as well as national character have all disappeared.

Soldiers must defend the country and protect the population. No matter how good the weapons are and how advanced the equipment, if there is no military spirit, martial ethics and national character, the national defense power may not be strong enough. Today, Taiwan still has a few Japanese wudenden (literally temples of martial ethics in Chinese), left over from Japanese colonial rule. As the Japanese name soldiers' training fields like this, a philosophy according to which body and soul are closely linked is imaginable.

During the reign of the two Chiangs, the government learned lessons from the political warfare of the Soviet Union by having political workers in the army to monitor the troops. Ironically, retired General Hsu Li-nong (), who was one of the first to become pro-China and affiliated with the CCP, was the political warlord of the army. What an absurd situation indeed.

Taiwan is a democratic country. We do not expect Taiwanese military officers to commit hara-kiri to apologize for their errors in judgment, like the defeated Japanese generals in World War II, but they should at least try to preserve their military spirit , their martial ethics and their national character.

As for politicians, their national identity and sense of belonging to Taiwan must also be examined. For those who once submitted to the will of the party-state and now turn to Beijing, these political opportunists are exactly where Taiwan's national problem lies.

Lee Min-yung is a poet.

Translated by Eddy Chang

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