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Donald Trump complains about being called “cognitively impaired”

Donald Trump complains about being called “cognitively impaired”


Donald Trump complained at a rally that he would be described by the media as “cognitively impaired” if he said “one word that was slightly out of place.”

At a rally in Philadelphia on June 22, the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee compared his media coverage to that of President Joe Biden, who he said could “fall off the stage” without receiving treatment similar from the media.

In March, Trump, 78, secured enough delegates to be his party's presumptive nominee after a string of primary victories, likely setting up a rematch of the bitter 2020 contest against Biden, 81. Biden and Trump's ages and their propensity to make gaffes have sparked concerns about their mental agility and ability to serve a second four-year term.

Trump said at the rally, referring to the media: “If I blow it up here, though, they — in fact, they take a perfect, brilliant, beautiful statement that I'm making.” I go two hours without teleprompters, and if I say a slightly slurred word, they say, “He's cognitively impaired.”

“Whereas Biden can run into walls. He can fall off the stage. He can fall down the stairs. He falls.”

Newsweek contacted representatives of Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign for comment via email outside of regular business hours.

Donald Trump at a campaign rally at Temple University in Philadelphia on June 22. During his speech, Trump complained about being described as “cognitively disabled” by the media. Donald Trump at a campaign rally at Temple University in Philadelphia on June 22. During his speech, Trump complained about being described as “cognitively disabled” by the media. Chris Szagola/AP

Biden and Trump have been widely criticized for making a series of perceived gaffes in recent months. In an interview with Time magazine published earlier in June, Biden appeared to confuse Russian President Vladimir Putin with Chinese President Xi Jinping and said Africa's population would reach 1 billion “in the next few years,” even though it already amounts to more than 1.4 billion inhabitants. billion.

In February, Kevin O'Connor, the president's physician, wrote Biden's annual health summary, in which he described Biden as “a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old who remains fit to serve successfully performs the functions of the presidency. “

At a rally in Phoenix earlier this month, Trump said, “What they're doing here in Texas.” His spokesperson later told Newsweek: “President Trump obviously said 'here' as in Arizona, and then also mentioned Texas.

At his rally in Philadelphia, Trump focused on crime, dismissing recently released FBI statistics that showed a 15% drop in violent crime in the first three months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023 .

“But the FBI crime statistics that Biden is offering are false. They are false, just like everything else in this administration,” Trump said. “Now he's even saying all of his incidents were fake. They're saying the fake news covered him falsely. That's a lot of fake news. That's a lot of fake news out there.”

“Few communities have suffered as much under the Biden regime as Philadelphia. Under Crooked Joe, the city of brotherly love is ravaged by bloodshed and crime,” he added.

“Retail theft in Philadelphia – I spend so much time here – has increased 135 percent since I left office. Convenience stores are closing left and right. Pharmacies have to lock up the soap,” he said. continued Trump, adding: “You can't buy toothpaste. You can't buy a toothbrush, it takes you 45 minutes.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.




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