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In-depth discussion on strengthening defense cooperation, says PM Modi after meeting Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina

In-depth discussion on strengthening defense cooperation, says PM Modi after meeting Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday held in-depth discussions with his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina, who is on a two-day visit to India.

Prime Minister Modi said to further strengthen our defense ties, we had detailed discussions ranging from defense production to modernization of armed forces.

The visit marks the first bilateral state visit by a foreign leader since the formation of the new Indian government after the Lok Sabha elections.

The Prime Minister noted: “We have decided to strengthen our cooperation in the fight against terrorism, fundamentalism and peaceful management of the border. Our vision for the Indian Ocean region is the same. We welcome Bangladesh's decision to join the Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative. We will continue our cooperation at BIMSTEC and other regional and international forums.

Begin negotiations on the 1996 Ganges Water Treaty

Prime Minister Modi said both countries have kept connectivity, trade and collaboration at the heart of their priorities. Over the past 10 years, we have restored the connectivity that existed before 1965. We will now focus more on digital and energy connectivity. This will accelerate the economies of both countries

The Prime Minister further noted that both sides are ready to begin negotiations on CEPA to take our economic ties to new heights. 54 rivers connect India and Bangladesh – we have cooperated on flood management, early warning and clean water projects.

He added, “We have decided to begin negotiations at the technical level on the renewal of the Ganga Water Treaty of 1996. A technical team will soon visit Bangladesh to discuss the conservation and management of the river Teesta.

What is the Ganga Water Treaty of 1996?

The 1996 Farakka Ganga Water Sharing Treaty aimed to resolve long-standing disputes between Bangladesh and India. Its main objective was to lay down clear guidelines regarding India's discharge of water into the Ganges.

Compared to the previous 1977 agreement, which initially lasted five years, the new treaty maintained a similar structure but introduced a water sharing formula replacing absolute flow figures. This formula determines the distribution of water from January 1 to May 31 each year.

Under the treaty, India guarantees the release of 35,000 cubic feet per second (cusecs) of water to Bangladesh and India, in alternating three periods of 10 days from March 11 to May 10 each year.

electronic medical visa

Prime Minister Modi said India will launch an electronic medical visa service for people coming from Bangladesh to India for medical treatment. We have taken the initiative to open a new Deputy High Commission in Rangpur for the convenience of the people of the North West region of Bangladesh. I wish both teams good luck for tonight's Cricket World Cup match, he noted, adding that Bangladesh is India's biggest development partner. We attach the highest priority to our relations with Bangladesh.

Neighborhood First Policy

Prime Minister Modi said that Bangladesh stands at the confluence of our Neighborhood First Policy, Act East Policy, Sagar Vision and Indo-Pacific Vision. Over the past year, we have carried out many important public welfare projects together.

He informed that trade in Indian rupees had started between the two countries. The world's longest river cruise on the Ganges between India and Bangladesh has been successfully completed. The first cross-border friendship pipeline between India and Bangladesh has been completed, he added.

Bangladesh is India's main development partner and about a quarter of New Delhi's credit line commitments go to it.

Also Read: State visit of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasinas to India today. What is the program ?

In terms of trade, Bangladesh is India's largest trading partner in South Asia and its second largest trading partner in Asia. Bangladesh exported around $2 billion worth of goods to India in the financial year 2022-23.

Prime Minister Modi further said that Nepal's electricity export to Bangladesh through Indian grid has become the first example of sub-regional cooperation in the energy sector. Implementing such a large-scale initiative in so many areas in just one year reflects the speed and breadth of our relationship, he said.

In January 2024, India and Nepal signed an agreement to import up to 10,000 megawatts of electricity from Nepal over the next decade. This agreement includes provisions for India to facilitate the transmission of electricity from Nepal to Bangladesh through Indian transmission infrastructure. Additionally, to strengthen energy collaboration and investments, the two countries signed a project development agreement for NHPC Ltd to develop the 669 MW Lower Arun Hydropower Project in Nepal.

Also read: Nepal remains a key neighbor of India

Furthermore, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that India is our most important neighbor, trusted friend and regional partner.

Hasina added: This is my first bilateral visit to a country after Bangladesh's 12th parliamentary elections and the formation of our new government in January 2024. Bangladesh greatly values ​​our relations with India, born during our war of liberation in 1971… I pay tribute to the brave fallen Indian heroes who sacrificed their lives during our liberation war in 1971.

Also Read: The Liberation of Bangladesh and the arc of its history since then

She further added, “I invite Prime Minister Narendra Modi to visit Bangladesh to further strengthen the friendly relations between our two countries.

The two countries share a significant land border of 4,096.7 kilometers, which is the longest among India's neighboring countries.

The talks were aimed at strengthening cooperation in various sectors such as trade and connectivity between the two countries.

Also read: Bangladesh polls: What does Sheikh Hasina's re-election mean for India?

Strong cooperation exists between various agencies of the two countries, particularly in areas such as law enforcement, anti-corruption efforts and combating transnational crimes such as drug trafficking, counterfeiting operations currency and human trafficking.

(With contribution from agencies)

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