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Jokowi replaces acting governor of North Sumatra, South Sumatra NTB, palace asks not to link Bobby and regional elections

Jokowi replaces acting governor of North Sumatra, South Sumatra NTB, palace asks not to link Bobby and regional elections


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Indonesian President Joko Widodo has replaced the acting governors of North Sumatra, South Sumatra and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The three new acting governors will be inaugurated at Sasana Bhakti Praja, Ministry of Home Affairs, on Monday (24/6/2024).

Leading expert from the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, dismissed speculation that the replacement of the acting governor was politically charged and linked to the simultaneous 2024 regional elections. According to him, the replacement was purely bureaucratic.

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Ngabalin said the replacement of acting governors of North Sumatra, South Sumatra and NTB was not a “cawe-cawe” effort by Jokowi regarding the succession of governors and vice governors in the simultaneous regional elections of 2024 in North Sumatra, Jokowi's son. law, Bobby Nasution, would like to run as a candidate for governor.

“The change of acting governor is something that is done according to the regulations because there is an acting candidate who will run in the gubernatorial election, so it has absolutely nothing to do with the girls or who will be the gubernatorial candidate,” Ngabalin said. , Sunday (6/23/2024).

At the inauguration ceremony on Monday (24/6), Acting Governor of North Sumatra Hassanudin would be replaced by Acting Governor of South Sumatra Agus Fatoni. Meanwhile, the position of acting governor of South Sumatra will be filled on an interim basis. Staff expert in regulation, law enforcement and economic resilience at the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Elen Setiadi.

Hassanudin was also expected to be appointed acting governor of the NTB, replacing Lalu Gita Ariadi.

Ngabalin requested that the replacement of the acting governor of North Sumatra should not be linked to Bobby's candidacy. Ngabalin stressed that this replacement was a rotation so that the relevant officials would have more experience serving the community in the area.

“That is why it is important for us from the presidential office to emphasize that this process is pure governance regulated by the Ministry of Interior,” Ngabalin was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, Executive Director of Trias Politica Strategis Agung Baskoro believes that the possibility of Jokowi getting involved in the 2024 simultaneous regional elections is still open. The reason is that Jokowi will still be in office until October 20, 2024.

“So that qualitatively, the political instruments are effectively in the hands of the president as the holder of prerogative rights, supreme commander, head of government, head of state and other attributes of power,” Agung said.

Kompas' own R&D survey found that Jokowi's political support was still high ahead of the regional elections, at 54.3 percent. Agung believes that the candidates for regional leadership supported by the Palace have a good chance of winning the regional elections.

“This intersection between qualitative and quantitative political reasoning confirms that any candidate supported by the palace has great potential to win regional elections,” he said.

Simultaneous regional elections will be held in Indonesia in 2024, with polling day being November 27. Registrations for candidate pairs are open from August 27 to 29.

Also read: The moment Prabowo met Jokowi in Halim and sent him direct birthday wishes




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