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Why Trump is suddenly talking about Biden after months of criticizing his cognitive abilities



After months of ridiculing President Joe Biden as a brain-dead zombie unable to finish a sentence or leave the stage, former President Donald Trump and his campaign are changing their tone days before the critical debate. 'election.

The commander in chief has suddenly transformed himself into a worthy debater, someone of considerable ability and a seasoned political player who should not be underestimated, according to Trump and his lieutenants.

The game of setting expectations before the debate is often absurd. An aide to former President George W. Bush once claimed that John Kerry, his Democratic opponent in 2004, was a better debater than the Roman rhetorician Cicero. But the change in the Trump teams is remarkable given their relentless attacks on Biden's faculties. And it hints at their possible concerns that they have set the bar unnecessarily low for the president's performance ahead of Thursday's CNN-hosted clash in Atlanta.

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, a possible Trump vice presidential pick, tried to redress the balance on CNN's State of the Union on Sunday. The guys run for office more than a dozen times. He ran for president four times. He has been campaigning since President Nixon was in office, he said. This guy has the ability.

Trump is also guarding against a stronger-than-expected Biden performance by suggesting his opponent will be drugged to ensure a strong performance.

Meanwhile, the Biden campaign is escalating its new attempt to portray Trump as an unhinged, morally reprobate criminal seeking to benefit his wealthy friends and unfit for a return to the Oval Office. The president's campaign, which this week marks the second anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wades and made abortion a key election issue, promised in a memo Sunday that the face-off would finally show voters the contrast that, according to Biden, would disqualify Trump.

Thursday's debate will be one of the first moments in this presidential campaign where more of the American electorate will have the opportunity to witness the difficult choice between Joe Biden, who is fighting for the American people, and Donald Trump, who fights for the American people. himself as a convicted felon with a disorderly campaign of vengeance and retribution, campaign communications director Michael Tyler wrote.

A moment that could define the campaign and the future of the Americas

The wild claims and pre-match spin reflect the vital importance of the debate, with the rematch between Biden and Trump neck-and-neck just over four months away from Election Day. The confrontation comes amid bitterness between the rivals, particularly following Trump's false claims that he won the 2020 election. The shadow of Trump's criminal conviction and sentencing in New York on next month adds an extra level of tension at a time when the ex-president threatens to use a second term to get revenge on his enemies and Biden warns that Trump will destroy democracy. .

Trump's use of his weekend events as a warm-up contrasts with Biden's measured approach. The president is sequestered at Camp David in Maryland with a large team of aides and debate experts preparing for a meeting with Trump that could define his reelection bid.

Millions of voters will have the opportunity Thursday to assess the energy, stamina and mental acuity of an 81-year-old president who has visibly aged and slowed down in his term as polls show that most Americans think he is too old to serve another term. Fewer voters are concerned about the cognitive health of Trump, who is only three years younger, at 78 years old. But the ex-president's brash behavior, attacks on the justice system and facts, and admiration for foreign dictators, which delight his supporters, often alienate the swing-state suburban voters who will decide probably the next president.

But the debate goes well beyond personalities. Voters hurt by years of high prices and eager for a return to the full pre-pandemic normalcy promised by Biden four years ago will be waiting to hear how candidates can ease the economic strain on their families. Biden's campaign says he will present himself as a force for stability responding to the needs of families, in contrast to Trump's dark vision and the Republican Party's threats against abortion rights. The ex-president, meanwhile, castigates Biden as blind to a crisis at the southern border and what he claims are crime-ridden cities, while trying to evoke nostalgia for the Trump economy before the Covid-19 crash.

Trump appeared Saturday in Washington, D.C., at a conference of Christian conservatives before heading to Philadelphia, seeking to win back a state that Biden won in 2020 and without which either man could have struggling to get 270 electoral votes.

He mocked Biden for going to a log cabin to study, prepare and claimed the president was sleeping at Camp David because they wanted to make him good and strong, so a little before time of the debate, he gets shot in the ass. Trump added: I say he'll come out of this excited, right? The GOP candidates' alleged suggestions of chemical intervention reflected his response to Biden's resounding State of the Union address earlier this year, when a fiery president mocked conservative media expectations that had stumbled during the speech and instead countered their narrative of mental decline.

Trump tempered earlier assessments of Biden's likely performance in an interview with the All-In podcast published Thursday. He beat Paul Ryan, Trump said, referring to the 2012 vice presidential debate, when Biden dispatched Republican nominee Mitt Romneys for vice president. I don't underestimate him, Trump said. I suspect he will be someone who will be a worthy debater.

Burgum also sought to manage expectations about the State of the Union in a way that appeared to undermine the Trump campaign's long-standing position that Biden is no longer fit to serve as president. When he needs to, he can step in, he told Kaitlan Collins. This guy has the ability and we saw it, we saw it in a debate four years ago. We saw him in the State of the Union this year and when he needs to, he can step up.

Burgum's assessment is inconsistent with the former president's portrayal of his rival, even in some of his most recent appearances. In the swing state of Wisconsin, for example, last week, Trump said of Biden: He can never get off a stage. After conservative media highlighted a misleadingly edited video of Biden at the G7 summit in Italy this month, Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt accused the president of wandering around like a zombie in a state of brain death and fully highlight cognitive decline.

CNN senior political commentator David Axelrod said on State of the Union that the Trump campaign's reversal has been fun to watch. He noted that Trump had spent the last five years portraying Biden as totally incompetent, to the point that, if Biden came and went on his own, it would be a triumph. I think they've recognized over the last few weeks, Whoa, this guy is going to exceed those expectations and we better start creating a rationale for him to have a decent night.

The former president insisted he would not participate in mock debates, although he held what were described as political forums with Republicans, including Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, another candidate potential for the vice presidency. Speculation is growing about Trump's approach after his hyper-aggressive and angry performance in the first debate against Biden in 2020 backfired. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem offered some advice to the ex-president on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday. I don't think he should speak personally in this debate because he will have so many good things to say, unlike Joe Biden's policies, she said.

Unlike Trump, who spent the weekend grabbing headlines, Biden hunkered down at the presidential retreat at Catoctin Mountain Park, north of Washington. Alongside him were former White House chief of staff Ron Klain, who has been preparing Democrats for presidential debates for a generation, as well as other longtime stalwarts including Mike Donilon, Bruce Reed, Anita Dunn and Steve Ricchetti. Former Obama White House adviser and Biden's personal lawyer Bob Bauer, who sources said was likely to reprise his role from Trump in preparing for the debate, was also in attendance.

In its memo, the Biden campaign said the Biden-Harris team is putting a magnifying glass on the choice this week as Democrats in Atlanta and across the country organize around this moment.

The comparison presented even before the debate embodies the rival approaches opposed to the presidency. Trump is public, abrasive, profane and, as always, he flouts expectations of traditional statesmanship. Biden is conventional, cautious and seeks to restore the norms that Trump once trashed.




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