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The Philippines denounces the “deliberate” aggression of Xi Jinping’s army in the South China Sea: “aggressive and illegal use of force”

The Philippines denounces the “deliberate” aggression of Xi Jinping’s army in the South China Sea: “aggressive and illegal use of force”


Recently, the Philippines called last week's incident in the South China Sea, in which a Filipino soldier lost a finger, a deliberate act by China.

What happened: Secretary of Defense Gilberto Teodoro declared that the meeting with Xi JinpingWashington's military was neither a misunderstanding nor an accident, Bloomberg reported Monday. This statement came after Teodoro and President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. visited Western Command troops policing the disputed waters.

“We are not minimizing the incident. This was an aggressive and illegal use of force,” Teodoro said.

He also confirmed that the Philippines' policy of asserting its territorial claims in the South China Sea remains unchanged.

The defense secretary revealed that the Philippines would not disclose the schedule of resupply missions to its Second Thomas Shoal military outpost, contradicting a previous statement by the executive secretary. Lucas Bersamine.

Teodoro's comments reflect the Philippines' intention to hold China responsible for the June 17 clash, in which Chinese coast guard crew allegedly used bladed weapons to ram boats, seized weapons and rammed Philippine ships, resulting in the loss of a Filipino sailor's thumb.

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In response to Teodoro's recent remarks, China reiterated its demands on the second Thomas bench. Spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mao Ning urged the Philippines to resume negotiations with China to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Despite escalating tensions, the Philippines has assured that it will not use force or intimidation in the disputed waters. National Security Advisor Eduardo Ano clarified that the recent clashes could not be classified as an armed attack that could trigger the Manila defense treaty with the United States.

Why is this important: This incident follows a series of escalations of tensions in the South China Sea. In May, the Philippines pledged to defuse tensions in the region, with President Marcos Jr. saying the country would not resort to the use of water cannons or any other offensive weapons.

However, a collision between Chinese and Philippine ships near the Spratly Islands in June sparked a dispute, with the Philippines accusing Beijing of spreading misleading information about the incident.

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Image by Andy.LIU via Shutterstock

This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari




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