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Jokowi admits that processing permits for international concerts in Indonesia is complicated

Jokowi admits that processing permits for international concerts in Indonesia is complicated


President Joko Widodo. ( – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) admits that the licensing system for holding events in Indonesia is very complicated. This is what pushes international events, such as concerts by foreign singers, to choose Singapore over Indonesia.

“Our licensing system is complicated,” said Jokowi when launching 'Digitalization of Event Organization Licensing Services' in Kebayoran Baru Area, South Jakarta, Monday, June 24, 2024.

Jokowi gave the example of singer Taylor Swift's concert in Singapore in March 2024, which took place for six consecutive days. The concert had an impact on bringing money to Singapore.

And more than half of Taylor Swift's audience in Singapore are Indonesian citizens (WNI). Indeed, Singapore is the only ASEAN country to organize this concert.

Jokowi then mentioned the concert of the band Coldplay at the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Main Stadium, Senayan, Jakarta, in November 2023. According to Jokowi, Indonesia can only hold a concert for one day.

“Once again, half of the spectators were from Indonesia. I'm sure more than half were from Indonesia, because here the tickets have only been sold for 20 minutes, but if you want to add more, you don't can't. Why? I asked the organizers, because our licensing issues are complicated “Even though what I heard was the sound quality of the sound system when Coldplay was at GBK there, it was good here. “Jokowi said.

Jokowi also admitted that he often watches music concerts of national artists, such as the Dewa 19 group, Gigi, Slank and Ariel Noah.

According to the head of state, the concerts of national artists he watched showed that the licensing process was also long and complicated. Even though the event organizers still want to hold the event.

“I can imagine that even the processing of complicated permits will still take place, especially if this is now accelerated. I will give the example of Moto GP in Mandalika. I checked with this committee, the effect is extraordinary, l “The economic impact is IDR 4.3 trillion,” Jokowi said.

“It can absorb 8,000 workers, around 1,000 MSMEs are involved. But when I asked what about permits? I was confused. It turned out there were 13 permits to process” , he continued.

The permit was eventually issued as a letter of recommendation. Apart from this, the organizers also need to write an approval letter from the village, local area police, local police, regional police to the national police.

Then there is another letter of support from the NTB Regional Hospital and a letter of support from the fire brigade that must be issued. Because, if it is not published, the Moto GP event will not be able to take place.

In addition, there are also notification letters from Customs and Excise for importing goods from outside, letters from NTB SEZ, UNSW for customs matters, etc.

“If I were the organizer of the event, I would be tired before competing. Maybe there would be more extras, or maybe my money would run out before the event took place,” Jokowi said.

Therefore, Jokowi hopes that the presence of a digital-based event organization licensing service can bring convenience and clarity. So the costs of organizing an event in Indonesia can be cheaper.

“Ensuring ease of processing and certainty well in advance, reducing our bureaucracy, allowing lower costs and more open transparency to emerge,” he said.sinpo




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