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Jokowi delighted with RI ranking higher than UK in competitiveness ranking

Jokowi delighted with RI ranking higher than UK in competitiveness ranking


Jakarta (ANTARA) – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said he was happy to learn that Indonesia rose to 27th place in the global competitiveness ranking, surpassing Japan and the United Kingdom.

“I am happy that our competitiveness (ranking) has increased significantly in 2024. This is important because our global competitiveness ranking previously fell from 44 to 34, and now it goes up again to 27,” the official said on Monday. president.

Jokowi made the statement while giving directives during the cabinet plenary session regarding the latest economic developments at the presidential palace on Monday.

According to the Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Competitiveness Ranking (WCR) 2024, Indonesia's competitiveness ranking surpasses the United Kingdom at 28th, Malaysia at 34th, Japan at 38th, Philippines in 52nd and Turkey in 53rd.

In the Southeast Asia region, Indonesia has positioned itself in the Caribbean region among the top three after Singapore and Thailand.

“We must be grateful because with this we know where we are. It is not easy to improve the ranking in an uncertain global context,” the president said.

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Observing the current global economic conditions, Jokowi pointed out that Japan's competitiveness ranking fell by three places due to the weakening of the yen and a decrease in stability, while Malaysia's ranking fell by seven places due to economic weakness and political stability problems.

The president thus underlined the importance of political stability, exchange rate stability and increased productivity to support the economy.

“Indonesia's competitiveness has increased thanks to the government, business and our economy,” he noted.

However, he drew attention to the fact that Indonesia still lags behind in areas such as health and environment, at 61st, and education at 57th.

“This must be (a matter of) concern (for us) so that we can continue to improve our competitiveness ranking every year,” he remarked.

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Translator: Yashinta P, Kenzu
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
Copyright © ANTARA 2024




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