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Exclusive: Trump takes debate prep to campaign trail, calls it a winning strategy

Exclusive: Trump takes debate prep to campaign trail, calls it a winning strategy


PHILADELPHIA As we inch closer to the CNN presidential debate, President Biden and former President Donald Trump are now preparing to take the stage.

Biden is preparing at Camp David, while Trump is on the campaign trail in Philadelphia. Fox News correspondent Alexis McAdams caught up with Trump ahead of his rally to find out how he's preparing.

“Well, that's really the best strategy here. We have all these people here and they're shouting questions. I'm looking forward to the debate,” Trump said.

Trump asked the crowd at his rally at Temple University what his approach on stage should be.


President Biden is expected to face former President Trump on Thursday in the first debate on the 2024 general election. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

“How should I handle it? Should I be harsh and mean, and just say, 'You're the worst president in history'.” Or should I be nice and calm and let him talk? » asked Trump.

Regardless of his attitude, Trump told Fox News that he is not worried about Biden's debate preparations and is confident in his own abilities.

“Well, I think if he prepares, he'll be fine. Then he'll forget about it about an hour after he prepares. So we'll see what happens. We'll see what happens,” Trump said .

The former president is touring swing states, recently visiting Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Pennsylvania, a list of states that Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020. According to recent polls, Trump is doing better in these states this time. Winning support from young, non-white voters, who say they are unhappy with Biden's handling of the economy and Gaza.

According to a recent Marist College poll, Trump leads Biden by two points in Pennsylvania, a key state on the road to the White House. Trump told Fox News he could be anywhere, but he chose to stop in urban areas, including a cheesesteak shop in South Philadelphia.


“It's not a game plan. It's just there's a lot of love. You know, they want hope. There's no hope with this guy. Biden is the worst president we've ever had. There's no hope. I say the people I need hope. I go out and see the most wonderful people. So we're in the middle of a pretty zone. difficult and it’s a celebration of love,” Trump said.

Former President Trump appears during his rally in Philadelphia on June 22, 2024. (Anna Moneymaker/Jim Watson/Getty Images)

Some voters waited for hours outside the rally, in record heat. Many said they wanted to know more about the former president's plans to fix borders, crime and inflation. As a recent Fox News poll found, 32% of voters say the economy is in excellent or good shape. This is the highest approval rating on the subject so far under Biden's presidency. However, the sentiment appears to be negative when speaking with voters.

“I need to earn money to feed my family. Before, I paid $200 a week for my groceries… now I pay $450 a week. I don't even earn that anymore. So, it bothers me kills,” said a Philadelphia voter.


For now, Trump has not announced his choice of vice president. But he said he knew who he would choose.

“Well, if you knew that, you'd probably be up for a big raise. We have a lot of viewers saying, who do you like, who do you like? There are so many different answers. We have a lot of good answers .I'll announce it right around the time of the convention,” Trump said.

President Biden is speaking in North Carolina, a state he will visit again shortly after the CNN debate. (SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

After the debate, both candidates plan to stay in the South. Biden will stop in North Carolina, a state he lost to Trump in 2020.

Trump will attend a rally in Virginia. It's been two decades since a Republican won the Commonwealth state in the race for the White House. The former president plans to change that.


“We're actually two points ahead in Virginia. Virginia is not a state that a Republican typically wins and hasn't won in decades. We're leading in Virginia, and we're leading in Minnesota hasn't won this one since 1972. “I think we're going to win a lot of places that people never expected, because our country is in a dire situation, to say the least. you could say, he's not doing well,” Trump said.

According to a recent Fox News survey of registered voters in Virginia, Trump and Biden are at an impasse.

The poll, released June 6, shows Biden and Trump with 48% each in a head-to-head matchup in the Old Dominion State.

Victoria Balara of Fox News Digital contributed to this report.

Alexis McAdams is currently an FNC correspondent based in New York. She joined the network in October 2021.




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