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Who will Donald Trump choose as vice president? Here is the list of favorites

Who will Donald Trump choose as vice president?  Here is the list of favorites


Former US president and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has narrowed his list of vice presidential candidates, with an announcement expected just before or possibly during next month's Republican National Convention. He told reporters Saturday that he had already made his decision and that the person selected would be present Thursday evening in Atlanta for the first debate of the general election campaign against Democratic President Joe Biden. Trump's choice is likely to become the immediate front-runner for the Republican presidential race for the next term, four years from now, if Trump gets a second term, given the constitutional limit. However, his number 2 will face immense pressure from Trump and his allies to demonstrate unwavering loyalty. Trump turned on his first vice president, Mike Pence, after Pence rejected his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election based on false theories promoted by Trump following his term in office. loss to Biden, as reported by NBC. Pence withheld Trump's endorsement this time around. Trump has said his main consideration for a vice president is whether the nominee is qualified to take over as commander in chief. But other factors are also at play: Who can raise funds? Who performs well on television? Who will have the most impact on the debate stage against Vice President Kamala Harris? Who risks eclipsing Trump, especially if he is elected in November and becomes a lame duck, as discussions soon turn to 2028? And who has “that look”? The Trump campaign has repeatedly warned that anyone “claiming to know who or when President Trump will choose his vice president is lying, unless that person is named Donald J. Trump.” Given Trump's penchant for unpredictability and drama, even the best-laid plans could change. Here's a look at the top contenders for Trump's vice president job: Doug BurgumTrump likes rich people, and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who served two terms, is certainly rich. Before his governorship, Burgum led a software company acquired by Microsoft for more than $1 billion and worked in real estate and venture capital. Initially running against Trump for the 2024 nomination, Burgum gained little ground but quickly endorsed Trump after he dropped out. Since then, he has been a staunch Trump supporter, frequently appearing on television and at fundraisers. Burgum and his wife, Kathryn, reportedly have a good personal relationship with Trump and his team, which is important in Trump's circle. Trump also thinks Burgum is up to the task. Choosing Burgum would be like choosing Mike Pence: a quiet, uncontroversial governor. At 67, Burgum would not eclipse Trump or spark immediate speculation about 2028. He also brings rich financial resources and connections. However, the question arises whether the Republican Party wants two older white men on the ticket. JD Vance JD Vance, known for his bestselling memoir “Hillbilly Elegy,” quickly became a prominent Trump supporter. although he has been in office for less than two years. The former Ohio venture capitalist is a strong supporter of Trump's “Make America Great Again” agenda, particularly on foreign policy, trade and immigration. Although Vance initially criticized Trump, calling him a “total fraud” and “America's Hitler” in 2016, he has since grown closer to Trump and his son, Donald Trump Jr. At 39, Vance would add youthful energy to the race and could liven up debates with Vice President Kamala Harris. However, Trump may have trouble forgetting Vance's past insults, despite Vance's change of heart and strong current support. Marco Rubio Choosing Marco Rubio as his running mate could broaden Trump's appeal, particularly among moderate Republicans and wealthy donors . Despite their past rivalry, Rubio's expertise in foreign policy, national security and his ability to attract Hispanic voters make him a strong contender. Rubio can also challenge Vice President Harris on the debate stage, as he is a skilled debater. However, Rubio faces a constitutional hurdle because he and Trump cannot be from the same state. His interest in the role of vice president remains unclear, as he has been less visible than other contenders and did not join Trump during his recent trial. Tim ScottThe only black Republican in the Senate, Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, would bring racial diversity. and a preacher style for the GOP ticket. Known as a “born-again believer,” Scott frequently incorporates scripture into his political speeches, engaging audiences with calls and responses. Scott and Trump worked closely during Trump's presidency on initiatives such as tax cuts, opportunity zones and criminal justice reform. . Although he ran against Trump for the nomination this year, Scott refrained from criticizing him and supported Trump over Nikki Haley, Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations. Scott became a high-profile surrogate for Trump, campaigning vigorously in every key state and launching a $14 million effort to appeal to Trump. minority voters in swing states. Trump jokingly remarked that Scott was a better surrogate than a candidate himself. However, questions remain about how Scott would fare in the debates against Vice President Kamala Harris later this year. Elise StefanikThe only woman on his shortlist, New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik Could Help Trump has attracted skeptical college-educated and suburban women who supported Biden in 2020. Despite her experience working with Republicans like Paul Ryan and George W Bush, Stefanik has strongly aligned herself with Trump, defending him during his impeachment trials and winning his early approval for 2024. Her aggressive stance on issues such as campus anti-Semitism has boosted her notoriety, even whether his experience as a House member raises questions about his preparation for the vice presidency. Ben Carson Relationships and trust are crucial to Donald Trump. Ben Carson, who served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Trump administration, has forged a strong bond with the former president over the years, although he was initially a rival during the 2016 campaign. Carson , a renowned, soft-spoken former neurosurgeon at 72 years old, could potentially help Trump appeal to minority voters as the first black person on a Republican presidential ticket. His age and calm demeanor make it unlikely he will overshadow Trump or seek attention. However, Carson's controversial remarks on topics such as abortion and guns could present challenges for the ticket. Byron DonaldsFlorida Rep. Byron Donalds, a staunch supporter of Donald Trump and one of his staunchest defenders, chose to support Trump over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in last year's Republican presidential primary. Trump has frequently praised and publicly supported Donalds, emphasizing their strong relationship. Donalds expressed confidence in his abilities, suggesting that if elected vice president, he believed he could effectively assume the role of commander in chief if necessary. During a June appearance on NBC's Meet the Press, Donalds said, “I think I have the ability to step up. I'm actually pretty smart.”




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