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Pakistani disaster management authorities release comprehensive monsoon forecast for July

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on Monday released comprehensive monsoon forecast for the month of July, highlighting the potential impacts of rainfall in various parts of the country.

The National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC) was established in October 2023 and is equipped with the latest tools and technologies, including real-time satellite feeds, to anticipate disasters up to three months in advance. The center, which was established at NDMA, has a multidisciplinary team of experts who harness the power of geographic information system (GIS), remote sensing, climatology, meteorology, seismology, hydrology and data sciences to monitor and analyze global phenomena and local hazards.

The NEOC said in its forecast that various parts of the country could receive moderate to very heavy rains which could cause riverine and flash floods, urban flooding, landslides in hilly areas and possible glacial lake flooding ( GLOF).

In light of these projections, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has advised Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMAs), District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs) and other relevant departments to remain vigilant and ready to respond to any emergency situation. » said the NDMA in a statement.

The NDMA said that according to its forecast, rainfall in isolated places of Mardan, Malakand and Hazara divisions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province, northwest Pakistan, is expected during the third week of July, while heavy to very heavy rains are expected during the fourth week.

In Pakistan's Punjab province, the districts of Lahore, Sargodha, Faisalabad and Gujranwala as well as Islamabad are expected to receive between 15 and 50 millimeters of rain in isolated places during the first and second weeks of July.

The NDMA has warned of potential floods in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Sargodha, Gujranwala and Faisalabad in Punjab during the fourth week of July.

For Sindh, the NDMA said the districts of Mirpurkhas, Karachi, Hyderabad, Nawabshah, Larkana and Sukkur are expected to receive 30 to 75 millimeters of rainfall in the month of July. These same areas are expected to receive heavy to very heavy rain during the second and fourth week of the month.

During the 4th week of July, Astore district of Gilgit Baltistan and isolated places of Azad Jammu and Kashmir will receive heavy to very heavy rains, with potential severe flooding in nullahs and rivers, he indicated.

The disaster management authority called on government departments to sensitize residents living along the banks of rivers and nullahs about the expected increase in water flows, and facilitate timely evacuation of at-risk populations low-lying areas prone to flooding.

Additionally, citizens are advised to take extreme precautionary measures, such as staying away from utility poles and weak infrastructure, and refraining from driving or walking in waterways, the statement said.

Pakistan is consistently ranked among the countries most affected by climate change in the world. Unprecedented rainfall and melting glaciers in June 2022 triggered massive flooding across the country, which killed nearly 1,700 people and inflicted damage estimated at $3 billion. Scientists and experts have attributed these floods to the adverse effects of climate change.

Pakistan also suffered a severe heatwave last month, which saw temperatures in some areas exceed 50 degrees Celsius.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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