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Xi defends China's normal trade with Russia in talks with Polish leader Duda

Xi defends China's normal trade with Russia in talks with Polish leader Duda


He said efforts must be made to avoid any expansion or aggravation of the conflict, to calm the situation and to create the necessary conditions for peace talks.

China is willing to continue to play a constructive role in its own way for a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, Xi said.

Xi Jinping and Andrzej Duda review a military honor guard in Beijing. Photo: EPA-EFE
Duda, who is in the final year of his final term as PolandThe US president appears to be taking a pragmatic approach towards China. But the war in Ukraine, a country bordering Poland, affected relations. Warsaw is one of kyiv's strongest supporters and the NATO member has raised concerns about close ties between Beijing and Moscow.

Additionally, Xi called for more cooperation in trade, agriculture, digital economy, green industry and clean energy, according to CCTV.

Xi pledged to open the Chinese market to more agricultural and food products from Poland and announced that Polish nationals would be granted 15 days visa-free entry into China.

Duda reportedly said that Poland, as the rotating president of the European Union in the first half of 2025, would like to play a constructive role in promoting the development of the European Union. EU-China relations and continue to promote cooperation between Central and Eastern European countries and China.

Duda said bilateral diplomatic, political and people-to-people relations between the two countries were good and based on mutual respect.

I hope it will always be like this in the future, he said, while inviting Xi to visit Poland in the first half of next year.

The two leaders also witnessed the signing of several bilateral agreements, notably on trade and agriculture, at the end of the negotiations.

Xi Jinping called for more cooperation in trade, agriculture and clean energy. Photo: EPA-EFE

Duda's five-day visit, which began Saturday, is his first trip to China in more than two years. He will attend the World Economic Forum meeting in Dalian, in the northeastern province of Liaoning, on Tuesday, followed by a stopover at the financial center of Shanghai.

Trade frictions between Beijing and Brussels are growing, while geopolitical rivalry with the US-led transatlantic alliance NATO intensifies and European capitals are increasingly wary of the position of China regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, China's original 17+1 cooperation framework with Central and Eastern European countries has stalled since the Baltic states left the group.

Duda also met with the Prime Minister Li Qiang Monday, discussing economic issues and Ukraine.

Before leaving for China, Duda said he would pressure Chinese leaders to play a greater role in ending the conflict in Ukraine.

It's no secret that China's influence, including that over Russia, is certainly enormous, he told reporters on Saturday. It seems crucial to me to present our views on this issue to President Xi Jinping.

He said geopolitical unrest was endangering China's Belt and Road project as well as economic cooperation with Europe, noting that a railway link in the strategy that runs through Ukraine was clearly affected by the war in progress.

Duda said another railway running through Belarus was also under threat as Minsk pushed increasing numbers of migrants towards the border with Poland. I would like to present this situation to President Xi Jinping and tell him what the realities are and what we are facing, he added.

Poland was one of the first European countries to sign an intergovernmental memorandum of understanding with Beijing to develop the Belt and Road strategy. Around 90 percent of CRE trains pass through or are destined for Poland.

China is Poland's second largest trading partner, after neighboring Germany. It is China's largest trading partner in Central and Eastern Europe.

Chinese imports from Poland fell 0.7% in U.S. dollar terms in the first five months of the year compared to the same period in 2023, according to Chinese customs data. But Chinese exports to Poland increased by 2 percent.

Warsaw's trade deficit with the world's second-largest economy widened by 0.7 percent from last year, to $13.6 billion in the January-May period.




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