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Live Updates: Trump's Classified Documents Hearing at Mar-a-Largo on Special Counsel's Office

Live Updates: Trump's Classified Documents Hearing at Mar-a-Largo on Special Counsel's Office


Judge Aileen Cannon's two-hour hearing Monday morning for Donald Trump's criminal case over classified documents became a close reading of former special prosecutors and their funding, in the latest attempt by the Trump team to invalidate the case against him.

Here are the key elements to know:

Tough questions for the Justice Department: Although the judge was careful to clarify that her questions should not imply that she was leaning one way, Cannon pushed Justice Department lawyer James Pearce to explain how much money the department used for its work in Trump's criminal cases.

The judge noted that although the office publicly disclosed its expenses every six months, a financial disclosure that would cover last fall and through next March was overdue.

She also asked prosecutors for advice in explaining the laws and regulations that governed former special prosecutors, at one point bringing up Watergate and Janet Reno's time as attorney general.

Cannon's questions were so geared toward Pearce that at one point the prosecutor mentioned how other courts had been overturned if they struck down a government function the way Cannon was investigating, and said he hoped that the Justice Department could provide additional written arguments to the court if it invalidates. Smith was a serious possibility.

Should Congress be more involved? Trump also aims to bring Congress into the conversation. Trump lawyer Emil Bove argued during Monday's hearing that Cannon insist on increased congressional oversight of the work of special counsel's offices, or rule that the way the office is funded is illegal because that, he said, the money was being used in ways that Congress had not authorized. .

That argument is consistent with other arguments the Trump team has made to the judge in recent days, alleging that Smith is too independent from Justice Department leadership. Bove also told the judge that increased congressional oversight would help curb what he called extraordinary things happening in the documents case.

Justice Department lawyers responded in court that the special counsel was operating within established policies, in place for several decades and under several administrations, and that the DOJ was committed to continuing to fund this prosecution against Trump with the authorization of the Attorney General. Republicans on Capitol Hill have also tried to rein in the Justice Department's use of the office of special counsel and its funding.

Delay, delay, delay: As the case moves forward, slowly, Trump's lawyers have taken every opportunity they see in recent weeks to request additional hearings and oversights, something Cannon suggested during a hearing Friday and Monday morning.




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