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Is Trump immune from criminal charges as former president? A nation awaits word from the Supreme Court

Is Trump immune from criminal charges as former president?  A nation awaits word from the Supreme Court


WASHINGTON (AP) In the coming days, the Supreme Court will face a perfect storm, mostly of its own making: a trio of decisions stemming directly from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Within days or even hours of each other, judges are expected to decide whether Donald Trump has immunity from criminal charges for his efforts to overturn his 2020 election defeat and whether Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol can be prosecuted for obstructing an official proceeding. .

The court will also decide whether former Trump adviser Steve Bannon can stay out of prison while he appeals his conviction for contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena from the House committee that investigated on the attack on the Capitol.

On Dobbs' second anniversary, the Supreme Court could issue another ruling on abortion amid battles between the states and the federal government. (Source: CNN/POOL/NBC/CBS)

The cases are among a dozen major disputes over abortion, homelessness, the power of federal regulators, the opioid epidemic and social media platforms that the justices have left to decide as the trial approaches. traditional end of their mandate.

Taken together, the three cases linked to the former president could fuel narratives about the Court and its conservative supermajority, which includes three justices appointed by Trump and two other justices, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, who have rejected calls to stand. withdraw from Parliament in January. . 6 cases due to questions about their impartiality.

From the perspective of Trump and his allies, the findings could further support their claims that the Justice Department treated Capitol riot defendants unfairly. The riots resulted in more than 1,400 criminal cases in which 200 people were convicted and more than 850 pleaded guilty to crimes.

The way the courts have handled the issue of immunity has already drawn criticism, both because judges have taken up the issue, particularly given a unanimous decision by the federal appeals court who rejected Trump's request, and more recently because they have not yet made a decision.

Even if the court limits Trump's immunity, or dismisses his claims altogether, allowing his election interference trial to proceed in Washington means a verdict is unlikely before the election, wrote Leah Litman , professor of law at the University of Michigan, in The New York. Times.

Although the court acted more quickly than usual in considering the immunity case, it acted much more quickly in other epic cases involving presidential power, including the audio recordings case. Watergate. Nearly 50 years ago, the court ruled 8-0 just 16 days after hearing arguments that Richard Nixon should turn over recordings of Oval Office conversations, rejecting his claim of executive privilege.

In March, it took the justices less than a month to unanimously rule that the insurrection clause of the post-Civil War Constitution could not be used by states to remove Trump from the presidential ballot.

The three cases related to Trump's efforts to overturn his 2020 election defeat highlight how often he has appeared in court this year, although he now does so as the Republican Party's presumptive nominee for president. Trump also played a role in two social media cases and even a trademark dispute over the phrase “Trump too short.”

The court almost always finishes its work by the end of June, but that won't happen this year.

The court will make its decisions Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, then return next week to sort out what's left. Among the other cases remaining to be decided:

Can doctors perform abortions in medical emergencies in states that banned abortion after the court overturned Roe v. Wade? In a case from Idaho, the Biden administration says abortions should be allowed in emergency situations where a woman's health is at serious risk, while the state argues its ban is enough strict ban on abortion contains an exception to save a woman's life. Supreme Court cases on homelessness for decades have focused on whether it is possible to ban people from sleeping outside when shelter space is in short supply. A San Francisco-based appeals court ruled that such bans constitute cruel and unusual punishment. Leaders in California and across the West say the move makes it harder to regulate homeless encampments encroaching on sidewalks and other public places. Justices could overturn a 40-year-old ruling that has been cited thousands of times in federal court cases and used to enforce environmental, public health, workplace safety and consumer protection regulations. The ruling, colloquially known as Chevron, calls on judges to defer to federal regulators when the terms of a law are unclear. The decision has long been targeted by conservative and business interests who say Chevron strips judges of their authority and gives too much power to regulators. Three cases remain unsolved at the intersection of social media and government. Two cases involve social media laws in Texas and Florida that would limit how Facebook, TikTok, X, YouTube and other social media platforms regulate content posted by their users. In the third case, Republican-led states are suing the Biden administration over how far the federal government can go to counter controversial social media posts on topics like COVID-19 and health safety. elections. Supreme Court controls fate of nationwide OxyContin deal. Purdue Pharma, which would allocate billions of dollars to fight the opioid epidemic but also provide a legal shield for members of the Sackler family who own the company. The settlement has been on hold since last summer after the Supreme Court agreed to rule. Republican-led energy-producing states and the steel industry want the court to suspend the Environmental Protection Agency's Good Neighbor Plan to combat air pollution while it is legal. the challenges continue. The plan aims to protect downwind states that receive unwanted air pollution from other states. Another significant regulatory case could deprive the Securities and Exchange Commission of a major tool in the fight against securities fraud and have far-reaching effects on other regulatory agencies. The court is asked to rule that people facing civil fraud claims are entitled to a jury trial in federal court.


Associated Press writer Lindsay Whitehurst contributed to this report.


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