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Trump ties with Gov. Glenn Youngkin to flip Virginia

Trump ties with Gov. Glenn Youngkin to flip Virginia


Former President Donald Trump is building a relationship with Glenn Youngkin in hopes the popular Republican governor can help get Virginia playing this fall.

Youngkin's election in 2021 made him the first Virginia Republican to win statewide since 2009, but he did so while running a campaign that kept Trump at bay. Youngkin also waited to support Trump in the 2024 race until after the Super Tuesday primary, when the former president easily won Virginia.

While Trump has mocked Youngkins' name and noted that he keeps his distance, the two are now slowly starting to work together. They recently held a private meeting at the Trump Golf Club in Virginia. Sources on both sides said everything went well, but at this point Youngkin has not been selected as a potential vice presidential candidate, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the process.

Representatives for Youngkin did not immediately respond to requests for comment. A Trump campaign spokesperson dismissed palace intrigue surrounding the selection process.

Brian Hughes, senior adviser to the Trump campaign, said in a text message: As President Trump himself said, the main criterion for selecting a vice president is a strong leader who will make a great president for eight years after the end of his next four-year term. But anyone who tells you they know who or when President Trump will choose his vice president is lying unless that person is named Donald J. Trump.

NBC News previously reported that the search for Trump's vice president focused on North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida. Trump has said publicly that he plans to announce his choice around the time of the Republican National Convention, which begins July 15. But three sources close to the discussions said the timeline remains a matter of debate.

Even if Youngkin doesn't enter the race for vice president, he would still be a valuable political asset for Trump. The former business executive, limited by law to just one term, enjoyed approval ratings above 50 percent for most of his term. He also proved adept at election trials and adept at cable interviews, traits Trump holds in high esteem.

Youngkin is expected to appear on stage with Trump for the first time at a rally Friday in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Youngkin rode to the governor's mansion by winning back right-wing suburban voters who were turned off by Trump in 2016 and 2020. Democratic efforts to tie Youngkin to Trump failed spectacularly in the 2021 governor's race.

Democrats have won Virginia in every presidential race since 2008. Even if Republicans believe the state is in play, it will likely be a goal that requires a significant expansion of their electoral map.

Youngkin spent his 2021 gubernatorial campaign avoiding even saying Trump's name out loud. This past weekend, however, he gave full support at the Faith and Freedom Coalitions conference in Washington, DC.

Elections have consequences and the stakes have never been higher, Youngkin said. “We must restore a strong America and that starts with the election of Donald J. Trump.




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