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Reviews | Hillary Clinton: I debated Trump and Biden. Here's what I'm watching.

Reviews |  Hillary Clinton: I debated Trump and Biden.  Here's what I'm watching.


Last week I had an unforgettable moment at the Tony Awards performing a song from Suffs, the Broadway musical I co-produced about the suffragettes who won women the right to vote. I was thrilled when the series won Best Original Score and Best Book.

From Suffs to Hamilton, I love theater about politics. But not the other way around. Too often we approach pivotal moments like this week's debate between President Biden and Donald Trump as dramatic critiques. We choose a president, not the best actor.

I am the only person to have debated with both men (Mr. Trump in 2016 and, in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary, Senator Biden). I know the excruciating pressure of getting on stage and that it's almost impossible to concentrate on substance when Mr. Trump is involved. During our three debates in 2016, he unleashed a storm of interruptions, insults and lies that overwhelmed the moderators and did a disservice to the voters who were tuning in to hear our visions for the country, including a record 84 million viewers for our first debate.

It's a waste of time trying to refute Mr. Trump's arguments like in a normal debate. It is almost impossible to identify what his arguments are. He starts with nonsense, then wanders off into chatter. The situation has only gotten worse over the years since we debated it. I was not surprised that after a recent meeting, several business leaders said that Mr. Trump, as one reporter described him, could not keep a clear thought and was all over the place . Yet expectations for him are so low that if he doesn't literally burst into flames Thursday night, some will say he was downright presidential.

Mr. Trump can ramble and rave in part because he wants to avoid giving straight answers on his unpopular positions, like restrictions on abortion, giving tax breaks to billionaires and selling out our planet to big business. oil companies in exchange for campaign donations. He interrupts and harasses me, even stalking me on stage at one point because he wants to appear dominant and throw his opponent off balance.

These ploys will fail if President Biden is as direct and forceful as he was when confronting Republican hecklers during the State of the Union address in March. The president also has the facts and the truth on his side. He has led America's comeback from a historic health and economic crisis, with more than 15 million jobs created so far, rising incomes for working families, slowing inflation and a surge in boom in investment in clean energy and advanced manufacturing. He will win if this story comes true.

In 2016, I prepared intensely for the debates because I knew I had to find a way to put an end to Mr. Trump's antics and help the American people understand what was really at stake. During mock debates of 90 minutes on an identical stage, I trained myself to maintain my composure in the face of difficult questions and outright lies about my background and my character. A longtime advisor played the role of Mr. Trump and did everything he could to provoke me, shake me up, and make me angry. It worked.

Unfortunately, Mr. Biden is starting from a disadvantage because he cannot spend as much time preparing as I did eight years ago. Being president is not just a day job; it’s a job that involves doing everything, everywhere, at once. Historically, this has led to weaker performances in the first debate for the incumbent president.

As viewers, we should try not to dwell on the drama. Instead, here are three things to watch out for.

First, pay attention to how candidates talk about people, not just policies. In my third debate with Mr. Trump, he promised to appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would overturn Roe v. Wade. I responded that this would have real consequences for real women. Mr. Trump has previously said that women should be punished for having abortions. You should meet some of the women I met, I told him. I visited countries where governments forced women to have abortions, as they did in China, or forced women to have children as they did in Romania. And I can tell you, the government has nothing to do with the decisions that women make with their families in accordance with their faith, with medical advice.

On Thursday, Mr. Trump will most likely say he wants to leave abortion to the states. He hopes it sounds moderate. But that actually means he endorses the most extreme bans on abortion already imposed by many states and any extreme restrictions to come. Mr. Trump should be held accountable for the fate of the 12-year-old Mississippi girl who was raped and then forced to carry a child to term. She started seventh grade with a newborn due to the state's draconian ban on abortion. It is because of Mr. Trump that in Louisiana, a young girl unable to have an abortion gave birth holding a teddy bear. Studies reveal that women living under abortion bans are up to three times more likely to die during pregnancy, childbirth, or shortly after childbirth. Thanks to Mr. Trump, one in three women of childbearing age now live under such restrictions.

Mr. Biden is one of the most empathetic leaders we have ever had. Listen to how sincerely he speaks about women's rights, the struggles of working families, the opportunities available to people of color, and the courage of Ukrainian men and women who risk their lives for democracy. Mr. Trump can't do this because he only cares about himself.

Second, try to look beyond the bluster and focus on the fundamentals at stake. In 2016, Mr. Trump refused to say whether he would accept the election results. I'll keep you in suspense, he said. That’s not how our democracy works, I replied. Let's be clear about what he says and what it means. You can draw a straight line from this exchange to the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

This time, expect Mr. Trump to blame Mr. Biden for inflation, but avoid answering questions about his own economic plans. He must be distracting or lying because his proposals for tax cuts for the super-rich, scrapping the Affordable Care Act, deporting millions of workers, and imposing across-the-board tariffs on Everyday goods would exacerbate inflation, increase costs for American households and cause a recession. This is not my prediction; it's from Wall Streets Moodys Analytics. Experts at the nonpartisan Peterson Institute for International Economics estimated that Mr. Trump's tariffs alone would mean a tax increase of $1,700 a year for the average American family, or more.

For his part, Mr. Biden is visibly eager to talk about his cost-cutting plans. He stood up to powerful pharmaceutical companies by capping the cost of insulin and signing legislation allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs for the first time. On Thursday, watch for plans to combat corporate price gouging and make gas, groceries and housing more affordable. The president has already helped one in ten Americans with federal student loans get much-needed relief. He'll likely be willing to offer more ideas on how to help young people get a head start on a middle-class life.

Third, when you see these two men side by side, think about the real choice in this election. It's between chaos and competence.

Mr. Trump has been convicted of 34 crimes and found responsible for sexual assault and financial fraud. He spent his life putting himself first. If he returns to the White House, we will have more inflation and less freedom. This will not just be a repeat of his first term. Since his defeat in 2020, Mr. Trump has become angrier and more unhinged. His former defense secretary says he poses a threat to democracy. His former chief of staff says he has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution and the rule of law. Remember that on Thursday when you hear Mr. Trump recite his grievances and promise retaliation.

In contrast, Mr. Biden is a wise and honest man who fights hard for working families. Yes, he is 81 years old. That’s just three years older than Mr. Trump. And his lifetime of service and experience helps him accomplish things that make our country stronger and all of our lives better, whether it's bringing Democrats and Republicans together to repair crumbling roads and bridges or to resist Russian aggression.

This election is between a convicted felon who wants revenge and a president who delivers results for the American people. Whatever happens during the debate, it's an easy choice.

Hillary Rodham Clinton was the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016 and is a former United States Secretary of State and Senator from New York.

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