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Donald Trump visits New Orleans to raise up to $5 million | Local politics

Donald Trump visits New Orleans to raise up to $5 million |  Local politics


Former President Donald Trump raised $5 million in New Orleans on Monday, three days before his back-to-back CNN debate with President Joe Biden.

Trump spent nearly two hours at the home of business owner Boysie Bollinger, a prominent Louisiana Republican fundraiser, in uptown New Orleans.

U.S. Sen. John Kennedy, Gov. Jeff Landry, his wife Sharon Landry and U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise, the second-ranking Republican in the House, met with Trump as he got off the plane at Louis Armstrong International Airport.

Scalise, listed as a special guest at the fundraiser, represents the slice of Uptown that includes Bollinger's home.

Trump “was in a very good mood and talked about a lot of issues that will come up during the debate,” Scalise said Monday night, while confirming that Trump had raised $5 million.

On St. Charles Avenue, a block from Tulane University, the former president's opponents outnumbered Trump's supporters, which was no surprise given the strong Democratic lean of New Orleans.

Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump must go, protesters chanted at one point.

I just want to worry about the economy, not that my trans friends can't live the way they want to, said Suzanne Ward, a New Orleans resident who held a sign reading: Guilty! Impeached twice. Convicted of 34 crimes. Found responsible for sexual assault. We've had enough. Yes?

Colleen Peterman, a New Orleans housewife, stood nearby wearing a Trump hat and expressed her allegiance to the former president.

He will not continue to finance the war in Ukraine, she said. Our money should stay here, in our country. We do not need to continue funding endless, pointless wars that enrich the world's elites.

The pro-Trump group chanted USA! UNITED STATES! UNITED STATES! when the former president's motorcade arrived at the Bollinger home at 6:30 p.m. A downpour of rain quickly dispersed most of the crowd.

Trump's visit, his final expected campaign event before Thursday's 90-minute debate, coincided with the second anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs decision that banned abortion in states that don't have it. legalized.

That order banned abortion in Louisiana, after three Trump-appointed judges, including Amy Coney Barrett of Metairie, joined three other conservative judges to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Trump took credit for the federal ban, saying the six justices who voted for it showed wisdom and courage, as he said Saturday during a speech at the Faith conference and Freedom Coalition in Washington, DC.

But Biden and Democrats used the decision to galvanize voters.

The decision took away women's fundamental freedom to access the health care they need and deserve, Biden said in a statement Monday. The consequences have been devastating: In every state across the country, Trump's allies have enacted extreme and dangerous bans on abortion, with no exceptions for rape or incest, that endanger women's lives and threaten prison sentence doctors.

Biden now enjoys a narrow 50% to 48% lead over Trump for the first time in a Fox News poll since October, the network reported last week, thanks in part to more voters favoring the position Biden's pro-abortion position and a growing belief that the economy is strong.

Trump arrived in New Orleans nearly four weeks after a New York jury found him guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide a $130,000 payment to the porn star Stormy Daniels. Since then, Trump has repeatedly said the case was rigged against him, and his supporters agree.

Biden also suffered a legal blow when a Delaware jury convicted his son Hunter Biden two weeks ago of lying about his drug use on a federal background check form when he purchased a firearm and for possessing the weapon while addicted to or using illegal drugs. Biden said he accepted the decision.

He has been holed up at Camp David in recent days to prepare for the debate.

The Trump and anti-Trump crowd stood in close proximity along St. Charles Avenue Monday, but no harsh words were exchanged, as police looked on.

At one point, Judy Bauer, a white-haired Kenner resident, walked in front of the anti-Trump group while waving a giant flag that read: Trump Save America Again.

A man leading the anti-Trumpers in shouted chants, geriatrics can march with their Trump flags all they want.

Bauer responded after returning to his side: We are not geriatric. We just care about our country.

The anti-Trump mob was led by two groups, the Queer and Trans Community Action Project and the New Orleans for Community Oversight of Police. At one point, as they chanted “F*** Donald Trump,” an 8-year-old boy stood nearby holding a sign. It read: Love, not hate.




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