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As Trump considers vice presidential nominees, JD Vance is the MAGA king in the Senate


WASHINGTON JD Vance has been in the Senate less than two years. But in short order, he has already distinguished himself as the most consistently MAGA-aligned of the three Republican senators on former President Donald Trump's shortlist for a vice presidential nominee.

Vance, a Republican from Ohio, was noted for his sharp criticism of American involvement in foreign conflicts and his populism on most domestic issues. When he separates himself from fellow senators Trump covets for his ticket Marco Rubio of Florida and Tim Scott of South Carolina, it is often by adopting core GOP positions at the expense of establishment priorities such as funding government operations, according to an NBC News analysis of their votes compiled by Congressional Quarterly.

Vance has the advantage of a short, entirely Trump-era track record compared to Rubio and Scott, who voted thousands of times before Vance arrived in the Senate in January 2023.

For the most part, the trio votes in unison. But in more than 500 roll-call votes since Vance's election, he has split with Rubio and Scott 28 times when all three were present. Rubio opposed the position taken by Vance and Scott 22 times. Scott only became the odd man out 11 times.

Vance's embrace of MAGA activists' preferences, particularly on foreign aid and cutting federal spending, is one reason he is popular enough with the rank and file to have become one of the leading favorites, alongside North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, to land in the country. Vice-presidential spot on Trump's ticket. Donald Trump Jr., the former president's eldest son and a trusted figure in his father's base, is publicly defending Vance.

Trump said over the weekend that he knows who he would choose, but he is waiting to make an announcement. NBC News reported Friday that Burgum and Vance were the leading candidates, according to interviews with more than a dozen sources connected to the process, and that Rubio remained in the running.

Trump aides have not disclosed much about his preferences or who might be wiretapped. They also don't hint at the metrics he uses, beyond the idea that the vice presidential nominee will be someone he believes could effectively serve as president.

“As President Trump himself said, the main criterion for selecting a vice president is a strong leader who will make a great president for eight years after the end of his next four-year term,” said Trump spokesperson Brian Hughes. “But anyone who tells you they know who or when President Trump will choose his vice president is lying unless that person is Donald J. Trump.”

All three senators on the list broke with Trump on policy and rhetoric during his nine years as president or candidate for office. While Scott carefully avoided hurtful comments about Trump during his primary campaign against him this year, Rubio and Vance have delivered searing assessments of him in the past.

In a private message in 2016, Vance apparently wondered whether Trump was more of a “cynical asshole like Nixon” or “America's Hitler.” When Rubio and Trump faced off for the GOP presidential nomination that year, Rubio ridiculed Trump for his “tiny hands” and “spray tan.”

In terms of substance, however, nothing speaks louder than a voting record. This is why presidential and vice presidential candidates no longer spend as much time gaining experience in the Senate as they used to. Barack Obama successfully ran for president during his first term in the Senate. Rubio lost to Trump in the GOP primary before winning his second term. Vice President Kamala Harris was in her first term when Joe Biden asked her to run alongside him in 2020.

During Trump's presidency, Rubio and Scott each voted with him about 90% of the time, with Scott slightly more likely to do so, according to Their collaborators declined to comment for this article.

Vance, a best-selling author before being elected to the Senate, positioned himself as a policy enthusiast amid the MAGA crowd.

“JD is politically interesting because he is someone who reflects grassroots views in his voting record, but he is also, uniquely, a real deep political thinker,” said an ally.

He has a 93% lifetime rating with the conservative group Heritage Action, which is higher than those of Scott (85%) and Rubio (81%).

A year ago, Vance was one of 11 senators to vote against the annual bill authorizing and prioritizing military operations. He explained that he did so because the measure “commits the United States to years of additional military assistance for the war in Ukraine.”

Rubio and Scott voted with the majority of Republicans and the overwhelming majority of the Senate to pass the policy bill for the Department of Defense.

As Republican lawmakers remain divided over funding Ukraine's defense against Russian invasion with their tax dollars, many MAGA voters oppose U.S. efforts to subsidize Ukraine's military in Europe from the east. Trump himself has not openly opposed the latest round of aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, which the Senate passed in April. Vance and Rubio voted against the measure. And even though Scott wasn't present for that vote, he released a statement saying he supported it.

Last year, Vance broke with Rubio, Scott and most other Republicans by supporting a bipartisan bill that would have repealed the use of force resolution authorizing President George W. Bush to go to war in Iraq. The bill passed 66-30, with 18 Republicans voting in favor and the 30 “no” votes coming from the Republican Party.

Last January, Vance joined a splinter group of senators who tried, unsuccessfully, to block a measure to avoid a partial government shutdown. Rubio voted to finally pass the bill, along with most senators from both parties, while Scott missed the roll call. The willingness to shut down all or part of the federal government, as Trump demonstrated during his presidency, has become a litmus test for MAGA voters.

Long voting records tend to haunt lawmakers. Rubio, for example, was at one time a strong supporter of a so-called comprehensive immigration reform measure that would have placed greater emphasis on securing the U.S. border with Mexico while creating a pathway to access to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

He abandoned that position shortly afterward, opposing the path to citizenship during his 2016 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. In the Trump era, the idea has become all but obsolete within the GOP, but Rubio's record remains on the books.

He also has a long history of support for the U.S. military and foreign aid efforts abroad, and he voted to reprimand the Trump administration for lifting sanctions on Rusal, the Russian aluminum giant , even after the Treasury Department reached a deal with the company to reduce ownership. participation of oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

Rubio and Scott differed in how they voted on Biden's reappointment of Jerome Powell for another four-year term as Federal Reserve chairman. Rubio voted against another term for Powell, while Scott voted for confirmation (Rubio voted against Trump's initial nomination of Powell in 2018, while Scott did not vote).

In January 2021, Rubio and Scott both voted to eliminate objections to the certification of Arizona and Pennsylvania's presidential electors after Trump supporters stormed the Capitol. They also both voted to override Trump's veto of the annual defense policy bill in 2020 and were among the Republican senators who launched a back-door speech by voting for a non-binding amendment s opposing the “precipitous withdrawal of American forces” after Trump’s decisions in 2018 to reduce the number of American military personnel. number of American troops in Syria and Afghanistan.

Scott defied Trump by voting against the first emergency coronavirus relief bill in March 2020. Rubio voted for the measure, which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support and received Trump's signature. Trump's response to the Covid-19 pandemic, specifically endorsing government social distancing and masking guidelines that have limited commerce to try to slow the spread of the disease, has been criticized by some in his own party.

But few have revisited that first bill, which the Congressional Budget Office estimated would cost $192 billion over a decade, a small fraction of the trillions of dollars ultimately spent to combat the effects of the pandemic.

Scott also voted against a Trump-backed bill funding most government agencies from May to September 2017, a measure Rubio voted for and which became law.

Scott touted his work with Trump on legislation during Trump's presidency, highlighting his role in crafting the 2017 tax cuts and his work on so-called opportunity zones to attract investment into communities in difficulty.

Ultimately, it's unclear what direct role the three senators' voting results played in Trump's process, but they certainly inform perceptions of them within and outside the Republican Party. .




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