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Meet the actress who worked with Ranbir Kapoor and Imran Khan, who made headlines with her appearance in Bigg Boss but eventually disappeared

Meet the actress who worked with Ranbir Kapoor and Imran Khan, who made headlines with her appearance in Bigg Boss but eventually disappeared


Do you remember the movie Bachna Ae Haseeno? The Ranbir Kapoor-starrer romantic comedy featured three actresses in the lead roles. Apart from Deepika Padukone and Bipasha Basu, Minissha Lamba was paired opposite Ranbir in the role of Mahi. Besides this, Minissha has worked in several other films including Kidnap with Imran Khan.

She also gained attention with her appearance in Bigg Boss. However, the actress eventually faded away and hasn't been seen on the big screen for a while. In this article, let's take a look at Minissha's acting career, current work, and social media presence.

Minissha Lambas films and Bigg Boss stint

Minissha Lamba made her film debut with Shoojit Sircars Yahaan in 2005, alongside actor Jimmy Shergill in the lead. She later starred in films like Corporate, Honeymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd., et al. In 2008 came Bachna Ae Haseeno with Ranbir Kapoor and the action thriller Kidnap with Imran Khan.

Another notable work in his filmography is the political satire Well Done Abba, which won the National Award for Best Film on Other Social Issues. Bheja Fry 2, Hum Tum Shabana, Joker and Zila Ghaziabad are also some of his known works. In 2017, she starred in the theatrical release Bhoomi, directed by Sanjay Dutt and Aditi Rao Hydari.


Minissha also participated in the eighth season of the popular reality TV show Bigg Boss, which was won by Gautam Gulati.

Recent works by Minissha Lambas

In 2023, Minissha Lamba was seen in the romantic drama series Badtameez Dil, which premiered on Amazon miniTV. The cast also included Barun Sobti, Ridhi Dogra and Mallika Dua.

Minissha is a professional poker player and has played in tournaments around the world. She also ventured into acting. She acted in an English play called Mirror Mirror and a Hindi play called Hello Zindagi.

Presence of Minissha Lambas on social networks

Minissha Lamba has a fairly active account on Instagram. She continues to share updates about her personal and professional life on the platform. Minissha posts about her plays, makes singing videos, gives insight into her vacations and much more. It benefits from a follow-up of more than 800,000 people.

ALSO READ: Meet the actor who debuted in a Shah Rukh Khan film, worked with Shahid Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan but failed to achieve success




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