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China, Poland agree to strengthen cooperation in electric vehicles

China, Poland agree to strengthen cooperation in electric vehicles


China and Poland have agreed to cooperate on electric vehicles despite the European Union's recent decision to increase tariffs on Chinese imports.

The two sides will support the growth of bilateral investments in electric vehicles, green development, logistics and other sectors, says a joint action plan for 2024-2027.

The document, which aims to strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, was released after Chinese President Xi Jinping met his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda on Monday.


Electric vehicles made in China face additional EU import duties of up to 38%

Electric vehicles made in China face additional EU import duties of up to 38%

Earlier this month, the European Union announced it would increase tariffs on Chinese imports of electric vehicles to 38.1 percent, prompting Beijing to announce an anti-dumping investigation into the imports. of pork in retaliation.

However, the bloc agreed to discuss its anti-subsidy investigation with China in a bid to avoid a trade war.

At the same time, economic analysts say Chinese companies will likely increase manufacturing activities in Europe to avoid tariffs.

On Friday, the Polish government said its State Property Minister Jakub Jaworowski met with a delegation from Chinese automaker Geely to discuss the role Poland can play in Europe's evolving auto market.

The Chinese company is working with state-backed Polish company ElectroMobility Poland to develop an electric car with mass production expected to begin in two years.

Currently, intensive work is underway to evaluate the project implemented by ElectroMobility Poland. This work aims to verify all the commercial hypotheses of the project, we add.

Meanwhile, another joint venture between Chinese electric vehicle producer Leapmotor and European company Stellantis has started building cars at a factory in the Polish town of Tychy.

Elsewhere on the continent, Chinese carmaker BYD has invested in a factory in the Hungarian town of Sezeged, with a second European site under consideration, while SAIC this month announced plans to introduce new energy technologies and Chinese green factories in Europe.

Another Chinese automaker, Chery, has acquired a factory in Barcelona in a joint venture with Spanish automaker Ebro-EV Motors, becoming the first Chinese company to sign a deal to produce cars in Western Europe.

Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao visited the joint venture factory earlier this month, where he urged the EU to abandon protectionism and return to the right path of dialogue and cooperation.

12:53 p.m.

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Overtaking on a Corner: How China's Electric Vehicle Industry Jumped Ahead to Dominate the Global Market

Spain is a key supporter of EU tariffs, along with France, and could be one of the countries most affected by the investigation into pork products.

Beijing sees electric vehicles as one of the key sectors to boost exports and economic growth, alongside lithium-ion batteries and solar panels.

In the first five months of the year, exports of electric vehicles reached a total value of $14.6 billion, an increase of 3 percent from the same period last year, according to Cui Dongshu , Secretary General of the China Passenger Car Association.

Exports of new energy vehicles in May were not strong due to the EU investigation, he wrote.




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